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GH: Discussion for the Month of March

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Anyway, I just finished watching the Todd scenes (the less said about that mock "bench trial" the better, for God's sake :rolleyes: ). Well, not so much watching but had it on in the background. In the beginning, I was about to get all condescending and judgmental about the crappy dialogue because, well hey, that's what I do. But also because I thought I heard the reporter ask Todd "Have you ever seen the inside of a prison cell?" :huh: I was like, "I could NOT have heard that correctly! Did a reporter just ask such a random ass question?" So I played it back... clearly, I did hear it incorrectly. blush.png

I was kinda disappointed because I sooo wanted to rip that apart! :lol:

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Is that Jason next to her on the bottom right next to her name? Funny how they won't put Jason in her banner but he's still on the show's damn website promoting it. SO happy she got a banner though! And yea, she only got hotter. :wub: Makes me wonder if Carly is gonna get one and how they're gonna do it with all the recasts.

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