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Y&R Episode Counts: February and Year-to-Date 2013


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Pretty soon he will be 10+ years vet on Y&R and yet he has had less appaerances than a dayplayer in this time span. Griffith was - once again - trying to feauture Devon and bringing him back into the business. But then, poof. I don't know why those writers lose interest so quickly. Is Bryton terror to work and spitting at co-stars? This is just soo bizarre - and I'm neutral on Bryton or Devon for that matter.

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Not important anymore because Kay & Jill are old women. I don't think Y&R's 40 year characters are even going to get a front burner story for it's 40th Anniversary Neither are included in the 40th promos or spoilers so far. They have no relationships with their children or men.. they are old women, which must mean non-persons to Y&R.

Why should Devon be any different the rest of the Chancellors? The Chancellor legacy child "little Phillip" (Chance) isn't even cast. Phillip 3 is never coming back. No one mentions Mac or Brock anymore. Billy is Jack's brother or Victors son-in law, not Jill's son. They even took Cane away.

Neither Kay or Jill have a romance going on or any hint of a relationship with a man even though Kay supposedly has a husband. They don't have a spare second for the new Congressman to run into Jill, but plenty of time for Jack and Victor and their business, sex, and family life.

Jill has lost all her ambition, they say she is a CEO of CI but I only see her playing nursemaid to a sickly Katherine. Maybe Victor should send sickly Nikki over too since she getting up there so he can get his virile self a younger model since Sharon/Victor was so popular.

The top 10 episode count says it all... older men and younger woman, while the older female characters rot. It's what woman young and old want to see. NOT! General Hospital has multiple older women/ long-time female characters DRIVING story. I don't see Ana, Tracy, Monica Alexis, Heather, Lucy weak & sickly with no men and/or no contact with their offspring. Ana's running the police dept, Tracy still after ELQ etc., etc., while older women are shown running NOTHING and wanting NOTHING on Y&R these days

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I think winning that Emmy "saved" Bryton. There was lots of gossip about him being put on recurring and been phased out, then he won the Emmy and next thing we heard is that he was never on recurring and in fact, was getting his contract re-upped. Hard to know how much of any of this was true. Regardless, I think that he should have left ages ago.

I think that it is keeping with JFP's history that all the older women and eventually older men will be phased out. However, on Y&R the dominant older male characters like PB and EB have way too much power and leverage with Sony/CBS as well as the fans for either to be sidelined in a major way. Griffith has to write for them and JFP knows it. If it comes down to a power struggle, she cannot be confident that she will not be the one go, at least not yet.

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