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OLTL: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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Soaps always have short-term characters. OLTL had them - Linda Gottlieb's era had quite a few, sometimes cast with big names, like Eileen Heckart. I'm not saying cast every short term role with a soap name, far from it, but I'm just saying keep the door open. Of course I don't want Maureen Garrett to play a crazy person with a killer dummy, or whatever Wally Kurth was doing, but I'd still love to see her and I think she'd enrich any soap, even if she's just on OLTL for a while as a media tycoon Viki crosses swords with.

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I vote to send Jessica and her kids off to London with her fellow Buchanans where she gets a much needed change of pace. When she evenually returns, there is little mention of her DID unless SBH and TR come up with something fascinating and intelligently done.

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JMO, but I loved ATWT for decades (since childhood) and there were several years where I believed that ATWT was the best at combining great writing, direction and acting and that it was very underrated because of some of the understated performances. There was a period during the 80s where I would rush home from school and watch what I could (even though I videotaped many episodes, which I should have kept like others did) because the show held my attention like no other soap could.

However, it pains me to say that the last decade at the very least, the show was a shadow of its former self. There were one or two years in the beginning of the 00s where I thought that there might be a resurgence of the ATWT that I loved but that quickly faded to storylines that began promising and then descended into chaos (e.g. Marshall Travers & Jessica) despite well meaning performances, at the best of those last years.

At its worst, ATWT became known for its mediocre storylines that descended into utter camp (Barbara Ryan uttering a campy one liner before jumping out of a window).

For the last decade I watched on and off out of habit, until I just couldn't stomach it. Then I had to let it go. I didn't feel guilty about this, I felt as if the show wasted numerous opportunities to improve, wasted its talent (or those who were actually talented and still left on the showph34r.png )

I hear people on various boards floating the idea that perhaps ATWT and GL can also be revived.

I can't rightfully speak about GL since I stopped watching even sooner than I did ATWT (last time I watch GL, Lizzie was played by Hayden Panettiereohmy.png ) but if ATWT had any chance at all of having a revival, they would need to write the reboot as if the last decade of the show never happened. It was that bad. JMO.

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