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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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That is Eric Nelsen and he was excellent on AMC as A.J. Chandler.

I have no idea who that is supposed to be a tweet from, but AFAIC they did it right, putting PP's higher management aside. And I think Thorsten's interview, which you didn't link, conveys that.

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Considering that Toups said he posted it in both the Y&R and DAYS thread, I don't know why you would assume that it was an April Fools Joke or that it's just about PP.


I get that some want to gloat at these shows being gone and luckily for you there's plenty of places to do it. After all, everything is safely back to the way it was before.

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I read it, and as I stated before, I removed it. I don't need to see that.

As for gloating, how did you reach that conclusion? The inability to accept that PP didn't know what they were doing and some acknowledging that should not translate into other's gloating. We roast everything on this board, so I'm not understanding why we need to walk on egg shells here? This is no anomaly. Shows fail all the time, and the soap world lost nothing!

I'll stop here because I have no reason or desire to go at it with you.

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The shows were actually really good. Characters talked like actual people, it was only 50 minutes for each soap combined per episode, so I was more than pleased.

Dead weight was gone.

It did take AMC a tiny bit to get hold but I thought both shows were very well produced for an internet soap with literally no money. OLTL meandered for a while and I admit I lost a bit of interest but I followed through and it had SUUUUCH potential towards the end, and they finally added some characters.

Vets like Brooke and Dimitri had purpose again and who ever would have thought we'd see them again? It wasn't just "look! here they are! bye" (paging Cartini).

The newbies cast were enthusiastic about their roles, showed up for work and delivered. Eric Nelsen and Denyse Tontz were excellent castings as AJ and Miranda.

It was a great effort, but as for PP, they clearly were a mess and came off as having no idea what they were doing, had no money and this mess with ABC did nothing but hurt them in the end, so ... I agree PP was a hot mess but overall, the shows themselves put on the best that they could IMO and should have been more lauded for their efforts instead of it being looked down upon. And I think they might have been more looked at favorably had PP not been a mess.

Oh well. Rambling over. I doubt any of that made too much sense but I had to get some thoughts out finally.

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For every "the shows were good", you have many people in the audience who say otherwise - you just have to go beyond this thread to find them. And why use TK as an example when many just recently said he's a filthy looking bum who can't act? Also, how many of the actors/performers are telling us that GH is good when we know better? An actor/performer's opinion/slob job does not supersede our viewing experience!

If you cannot accept that others think the shows were a failure and want to discuss said failures, don't discuss them at all!

Like I did with M, I'm going to leave it at this. I'll ask you to do that same.

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No show is perfect, by any means, and OLTL and AMC weren't perfect. I just think it was so wonderful to get to see something that felt like an actual soap again, which is - getting to see young talent grow, seeing a story of generations, exploration of serious issues in a serious way.

I miss that on soaps. None of the soaps today, except DAYS sometimes, feel like soaps to me. They feel hollowed out and pointless, a brittle parody of something that hasn't existed in a long time.

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But to be fair with that, and I'm not trying to argue or get in the middle, but just a point, is that MANY complained simply because so and so wasn't on, and it was never actual criticism of the shows themselves. Or it was about how bad PP is without bothering to actually explain.

Or people just not willing to watch it a different way, which I understand (shock! not everyone even has internet or cares to use a computer for more than paying the bills and checking e-mail, which most of us can do on our phones now).

I would have liked to seen more actual critique and less whining and bitching. I mean, some people couldn't even spell Hulu correctly. Seriously?

And Andrea, let's not even GET into GH, lol, the people who think the show is great is entitled to think that, but it's an awful hot mess, and that's being kind. The script writers are also absolutely terrible.

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For me, OLTL and AMC were awful before they went off the air. I hated both, so them coming back did nothing for me. I, too, long for old school soap, but that was not the feel I got when I tuned in once to either show. I watched one eppy of AMC, and the 30 minutes dragged on forever. I could not get thru 10 minutes of OLTL. Nothing special about either.

Good soap is a thing of the past! I've accepted that.

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What viewing experience? By your own admission, you didn't watch the shows. Nor did you apparently read the interview where Kaye disagrees with you, so why bother with citing it in the first place? You decided before the shows even aired that they were a failure because they interfered with the show you watched and because you didn't trust in the upper management - I don't think any of us trusted them, but that doesn't change the fact that the people they hired put out what many of us found to be good product. We'd be happy to talk about that, but you clearly have no interest in discussing these shows critically beyond a blanket condemnation by way of their upper management, and that, I feel, is shortsighted. You just came to drop off a random person's tweet about an interview you didn't read which contradicts the point you're trying to make - come on, that's bush league.

And for the record, I've yet to find almost anyone beyond a small minority who dogs AMC 2.0's quality. The OLTL issue is more complicated and at times, laden with people online who only really started watching in the last six or seven years and absolutely refuse to accept an OLTL without the prior creative team and its cult of personality.

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You definitely weren't alone in that, and I don't think you're wrong. It's your opinion. I think there were a lot of bumps in the road. For me, AMC got a lot better over time, and OLTL, there were things I could have done without, but Erika Slezak, Kelly Missal, etc. carried quite a bit of weight on their shoulders, and they did so beautifully. I even got to see Tuc Watkins actually acting, which I never thought I'd see again.

I try not to overpraise anything, but I did think they were on the right track and I'm sorry that so many things derailed the train.

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