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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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IMO PP wanted the shows to roll out like they did on ABC but couldnt make that work. Maybe they should have done the seasons format from the start. Yes some may have been unhappy but PP may have been able to control the season format and then add episodes each year

I believe DM would then say its canceled. It read to me as venting over not knowing. In time im sure we will know what is what.

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It could be that the might have planned an announcement, but when the rumor mill started, backed out. I remember last year when the rumors came out about Joy and Elizabeth leaving the View came to light, they back peddled and denied. But not that long after, it came out that indeed people were leaving. Same with the news of Barbara's retirement. It looked like they just delayed the inevitable so they could be in charge of the announcements and not the rumor mill. It could be the same here.

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read this lol

Jamey Giddens and Tom Casiello commented on a status.
  • So all day kept checking WELOVESOAPS and D.C. and nothing regarding this announcement from Pee Pee productions. I will give them credit for one thing and one thing only; bringing AMC back in a better state then it had been in almost a decade...but that is it. Some of you attacked me for calling them on their bullshit. YOU DEFENDED THEM when it was obvous they were a bunch of douche bags that did not know their ass from their elbows.... well I don't need to say it. I will say thou I AM NOT AMUSED!!!! Share · 19 hours ago · Edited ·
    • Jamey Giddens and 15 others like this.
    • Norn Cutson Honestly, I cannot wait til we get all the tea on
      the behind-the-scenes, because I know THAT drama is gonna be more gut-wrenching than anything we saw on screen!
      I ★KNOW★ Jamey Giddens & Jillian Bowe know more than they've told!
    • Tom Casiello It would all just depress you, Norn. It's more disheartening than it is salacious.
    • Ashley Mendoza I shared this with Shadowus Userus andJordan Hudson but eff it-I'll share with all a' y'all. A friend of ours (me & Carlos) that used to produce for ANC back in the day was called to meet with Jeff Kwatinetzfuck about producing before the online series launched. K-!@#$%^&*] made him wait for over an hour, then called said- friend into the office and sat typing away on a computer screen during the meeting. When it became clear that K-!@#$%^&*] was truly a K-!@#$%^&*] and was going to continue the rudeness, said friend called him in his bullshit and said something like, I just waited an hour to meet with you. I'm not going to talk with you while you're staring at a computer. Just damn rude and classless. If this and any if the bitchfest, queeny, whiny memos and press releases were any indication, that dude is an emotional, clueless !@#$%^&*]. Sorry for the cussing- I can't stand the dude. Could you tell?
    • Ashley Mendoza I truly hope that the pundits don't decide that online soaps can't be successful. It's Prospdct Park that has no ability to be successful. To call them douchebags is an insult to douchebags.
    • Gene Stewart Hahaha, Jordan, I give them props for bringing the show back, but it was too much and didn't know anything about soap operas to make them successful. Their egos are just too much and now they got to admit they made a mistake, smdh. I feel so bad for the cast and crew that got to find work again. You were right, Jordan.
    • Tom Casiello Ashley, I have my own stories. The interview process was downright inhumane. When I finally got the offer and asked for 24 hours to think about it, I was verbally assaulted and screamed at for twenty minutes. Just completely embarrassing. For them. A bullet I was happy to dodge.
    • Tom Casiello And Gene, I'll gladly hand you a hundred bucks if he actually admits he made mistakes. He'll blame abc. He'll blame the lawsuit. He'll blame Ron and frank. He'll blame unions. He'll blame anyone but himself.
    • Norn Cutson I've read about what a terrible person Jeff K is on a personal level, I can't imagine trying to deal with him professionally.
    • Gene Stewart Yes, I will admit, he made a bunch of mistakes, I admit it. I was glad that someone brought the show back to llife, but it was many holes that needed to be fix. I think that online soaps can have a future, or soaps in general, they needs to be in the times and keep it in budget and good writers and actors.
    • Jay Ledet Black When Michael Fairman wrote that he was "not sure that there will be any big statement forthcoming from Prospect Park on the situation" I had a feeling Prospect Park would go radio silent. I hope that someone worthy of these soaps takes the helm, because they both have the potential to be successful, if they are backed by a party who works diligently to make sure they are...http://michaelfairmansoaps.com/.../2013/11/06/
      Today, reports, rumors, and developing stories, have popped up on the Internet a...See More
    • Cristina Arizonagal Trimble How does anything good EVER come out of all these weasels? Sooo disappointed in the probably outcome of this and the biggest haters are the TIIC.
    • Tom Casiello "Taking the helm" and "has the million dollar capital" are two different things. Unfortunately.
    • Shadowus Userus "K-!@#$%^&*]" - only from the Pine Valley Podcast. LOL. So many people wanted this to work out so they sat on stories like this and cut them slack that would not otherwise have been tolerated. I swear, everybody has a story like these about Podunk Productions.
    • Jamey Giddens Five years ago, I 'd spill tea all over this thread. But...Namaste.
    • Jillian Bowe now u bitches stop complaining about the great people know as Prospect to the Park! It is all Lucci's fault and those characters at GH that were so detrimental to OLTL coming back! The same characters that only 1 was used and the other 2 weren't mentioned....
    • Jamey Giddens I honestly stopped reporting on PP in depth, because anything remotely critical was met with "You should be supportive!" "You should be grateful!" By that logic, I should have been more "supportive" and "grateful" about the mismanaged reboots of Charlie's Angels and Melrose Place. Only among daytime soap fandom is there this aggressive movement to squash accountability under the guise of blind support.
    • Jillian Bowe Jamey Giddens is a bullshit ass lie. He stopped talking about PP because Rob Wilson twerked in front of him at the screening of AMC and OLTL. I got the pictures to prove it. hmph.
    • Jamey Giddens And Jeff, love him or hate him, was smart enough to launch the whole "We're doing this for YOU the fans!" PR blitzkrieg. We all know that's complete and utter bullshit. No one does anything in television for "the fans". He did it because he thought he could turn a profit. There's a reason it's called show "business".
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I also heard some took interviews with PP with no intention of actually doing the job. Well if that was TC's case for example and I was Jeff K I would be pissed. Plus TC has never been HW and I think he wouldnt have been a good choice for either and he did SW for OLTL

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Let's be honest, Jeff K has burned a lot of bridges in his career. I'm still surprised any of the actors/production people trusted him enough to take any of the AMC/OLTL jobs (though I think it was pretty clear most of the AMC folks weren't trusting anyone the first time around). Knowing how he screwed Kelly Clarkson as her manager, among other things, I would never have trusted him and taken one of the AMC/OLTL jobs. These reboots were a leap of faith to a lot of the soap people and PP really screwed the pooch and them. From the few rebooted AMC shows I've seen so far, the production quality and actors were good, but it sounds like they bit off way more than they could chew with the production model and their Public Relations work and honesty with the fans were obviously pretty bad.

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Tom Casiello was offered the job this time around, before the shows came back.

I'm glad he didn't take it, because I always found him profoundly overrated and a little too in love with his own voice. Which is natural for any writer, but in my experience you have to wait for the right moment. All of a sudden, the online soap press had coronated the dude the Savior of Soaps just because he gave them a lot of interviews and treated them like they were equals and legitimate journalists. And I'm sorry, but he just wasn't that brilliant. He just made them feel good. There's a couple of figures like that in daytime today.

Kwatinetz and co.'s history precedes them, but frankly there's a lot of colorful stories like that all over Hollywood, not to mention in daytime (let's start with Carolyn Hinsey). Everyone in the business has skeletons, and I was under no illusion that the man or his partner were princes; I thought there were snake oil salesmen and I'd heard about him and his bullshit for years. But that didn't matter to me as a member of the audience, because ABCD is full of those as well and has been for many years. It's not Miss Congeniality 2013 and it's never gonna be. What mattered to me was the quality of the shows and whether or not they could produce results, and for a time they did. And it's okay if you watched a couple episodes, but you don't have the full picture. AMC was better than it's been since sometime in the 1990s, IMO. And OLTL, while it was certainly not without issues, went back to some of its character roots which I haven't seen since Ron's very early days, and before that since sometime in the last century as well. I don't care if the men making the sausage were wonderful people. I cared that they got it done.

This is hilarious, though, from Jamey Giddens, of all people:

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