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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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I think most of these things are not even on YouTube and I have no idea what they were called. Just some weird flashbacks. I remember trying to watch them where they were shown here in Greece when some of the US soaps were cancelled but I just couldn't.

The new opening also reminds me of this:

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Anyway, AMC should never have given up on their original, beautiful opening.

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I dunno, every time I see that opening with the locket and other items, I feel as if I'm about to watch something hosted by Martha Stewart.

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On the one hand, this sort of article is what I'd expect from someone who never watched the shows before. But I would like to know whether all the promotion and hype has enticed viewers unfamiliar with AMC or OLTL to watch, and if so, what are their opinions thus far.

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Wow - I had to stop when he said "No. At least, that’s how it looked to this potential viewer, one of the vast millions who never watched the original shows because they had jobs."

Excuse me, but my entire family, including me, watched AMC every f'ing day and we all have or had jobs. It's called a VCR or DVR, you idiot! This writer just assumes only stay-at-home moms watched this show? No. And the way he said it makes it seem like stay-at-home moms SHOULD be out there working (it was like a silent jab).

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New York Times article is bad, bad, bad. Finger pointing characters they see that are not making any sense at all (David Hayward). This is THE FIRST WEEK folks. I am sure that the writers will fix mistakes for ALL characters and tweak and make adjustments. It is NOT the David Hayward show/Vincent Irizarry, it is All My Children. and Ginger Smith has said that more CORE characters are coming which means less David Hayward airtime. AMC needs to fill in the gap with 30 somethings, and their is a gap here. Angie sticking up for David and getting him released from prison, well in soap land there is always consequences and fallout from characters decisions and choices and nobody wins in the long run. There will be twists and turns and the writers have watched the first week, seen mistakes and will now have time to fix mistakes. At least the actors are giving it their best and the show and characters will settle down in time.

Agreed, that certain characters HAVE TO COME BACK, period to make the show stronger.

MEK, SL, Frankie and Natalia (The Hubbard family), more Kane's, Martins. Give the show time people. All success takes time.

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so these people believe that OLTL doesn't deserve to win any Emmys this year, because she thinks they could win the sympathy vote and they thinks it's unfair that if AMC and OLTL can get nominated next year why not the other web soaps, and they don't think AMC and OLTL is the same as Days or the other network soaps
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My response to these idiots

Ok are you guys seriously trying to compare AMC & OLTL to Devanity & Venice. Those shoot 13 Episodes a YEAR. AMC & OLTL shoot 210 episodes a year EACH. That apples and Oranges. Also AMC & OLTL are not web soaps. They are TV sops that just happen to air on Hulu, Hulu Plus & Itunes. No offense stop talking about it if U havent even watched an episode of the revivals until you do. Your oopinion means NOTHING

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As would I.

I think it's fair enough for the critic to come at these shows as a newbie. But he doesn't seem to understand the appeal of daytime soaps at all. Fans have almost always had to jump in--to some degree--"mid plot" and figure stories out. For a lot, this actually appeals to them--to try to unravel the story, who's connected, etc. To say that they should just watch Revenge because they can view Season 1 on DVD is missing the point.

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