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Here's another idea for an UH episode - the fully integrated yet short-lived (1989-91) soap, Generations, which didn't stand a chance due to a poor timeslot and preemptions of Persian Gulf War coverage. Several of its actors are still in soaps (James Reynolds, Kristoff St. John) and one of its cast members is even the subject of her own UH episode (Viveca Fox)!!! To this day, it's a soap not many talk about and I would like to learn more. I think it would be a perfect subject for UH.

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I'm behind, Amy, but I did see the Me'lissa Morgan episode and one thing that stood out first was that it was great to see that at a young age, she had the desire to learn how to craft a song so she made the decision to apply to Julliard to study music theory. I wish other aspiring singers would take the time to learn what goes into creating a song, even if they never write one themselves.

It was really interesting that when her parents divorced, she made the decision to live with her Dad. She truly was a Daddy's girl, like she said but she also made sure to provide for her Mother so that her Mother wanted for nothing. I know the show mentioned her Dad's passing, but is her Mother still alive? I know the show talked about her Mother's alcohol problems.

At the risk of sounding judgey, I wish that she could get access to a stylist who could truly advise her on the most flattering apparel, rather than trying to stick with that late '80s Soul Train look.

I would love if anyone decided to give at least 30 Minutes to exploring the brief phenomenon that was Generations-- the unfulfilled potential and promise.

When are they going to do an Unsung on Sylvia Robinson and Sugar Hill Records? I keep hearing about her in other Unsung episodes but the woman herself has not had anything that I remember. I missed a lot of the first season, so maybe I'm wrong?

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I don't believe they ever said where her mother is now, or if she is still alive. I agree with you that more aspiring musicians should follow her lead and go to Juilliard or a similar school to learn more about music.

Speaking of Generations - I noticed that Richard Roundtree was also in its cast for a time. Make that TWO members of that cast who are the profile of their own UH episodes!! Smokey Robinson even had a short-term role (as an actual character, not as himself), and he's been interviewed on several Unsung episodes. They definitely need to profile that little soap!!

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Until I watched UH, I had no idea that Cosby originally envisioned ADW as being about a white girl attending a historically black college. (I read that tidbit later on Wikipedia.). To me, that would have made for a much stronger series than what we got in S1.

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The Viveca Fox episode that aired last night was nice and did touch on her soap beginnings. I had known about Generations, but didn't know she was on Y&R and that's what led her to Independence Day (some producer had seen her on Y&R and thought she'd be great in the movie). Viveca herself had nothing but nice things to say about how hard people of soaps work.

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Looks like TV One isn't bothering to keep up their website with Unsung Hollywood episodes. The full episode of A Different World is still not up there, just a clip.

EDIT: I went to TV's social media sites (their website is hopeless) and saw Vivica Fox's twitter handle and decided to be nosey and check out her Twitter page and came across this but don't know whether it means anything at all:


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