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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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Yes but Zach is a vile disgusting pig ...so a little family blood probably wouldn't deter him.

Okay now I'm on to assuming she has legally emancipated herself from Bianca and is living on her own. whistling.jpg Or we can just go with my other option I supplied before and say she is living with..."uncle" Zach. huh.png

LOL!! Don't know why this Bren bashing/poking fun at tickles me so!

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Seriously no offense, but that's utterly and completely dumb. Zach would never make moves on a child, I know you hate the character but come on. I hate Ryan but I'd never say he'd make moves on a child.

I mean there's hate for a character and then there's just making stuff up on a whim *smdh*

You can watch if you have hulu plus on a blu ray player or there are ways to connect laptops to tv's as well

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Duh! That was the EXACT point ...to come up with some off the wall ish to show how silly some things that people ASSume are!

So.....where did you get this idea that Bianca had abandoned her child on Saint Kendall??? Ya know the dumb dumb that won't even be there....yet you have her raising Bianca's child. Bianca who WILL BTW be there.. in case you missed that.

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The more I hear about AMC, the less interested I am. You have people like Alicia Minshew and Eden Riegel, who are both mediocre actresses, and they aren't willing to commit, yet the show is working with them. There is no Erica Kane and that family is already small. Kendall and Bianca are popular and should be on full-time. There are MANY successful soap actresses who could play Kendall and I'm sure the Bianca recast (or even Lacey Chabert) would agree to play Bianca full-time. Miranda is not enough for a proper Kane presence IMO.

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Where has it been said Alicia isn't willing to commit full time, she just can't at this time, you know she kind of moved on with her life when PP couldn't get their heads out of their asses last year to get these shows on the air when they said they would. Same with Lucci. It's all about timing

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Bianca was technically born on air in February 1988, but when she was SORAS'd, suddenly she was born in 1982, which would make her 31, but I think they're SORAS'ing her a bit more? IDK... if Bianca was 16 when she came out to Erica at Christmas 2000, she would have been 19 when Miranda was born. If Miranda is now 16, Bianca should be 35. I'm 34, and I recently connected with a high school classmate who gave birth to her first child while we were in school. That daughter is now a senior in high school herself. Hard to believe, but yes, 34-35 really IS old enough to have a teenager.

Personally I'm thrilled that Eden is going to be back. I love her, and she IS Bianca to me. Plus, if they're going to do a story about Miranda coming to grips with who she is, then Bianca is going to have to talk about what happened to her. With Eden in the role, it gives me hope that we'll see clips from 2003-2004 again.

Miranda could just show up in Pine Valley with a suitcase in the first episode, landing on Zach's doorstep, not realizing that Aunt Kendall is out of town on business or something. I highly doubt Bianca would just dump her child. That's SO not her. But a bitchy Miranda, the essence of Erica Kane, finding out that her (rich privileged ) life has been a lie, would absolutely pack her bags and storm off. :)

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LOL AM is a mediocre actress!?!? LOLOLOLOLOL! Wow that's generous! That woman...who by the way was LITERALLY a hair model, couldn't act her way out of soaking wet paper bag with a hole already ripped in it and somebody say, Pedro Almodovar, directing her on how to get out! And let us not even discuss her utterly annoying donkey whining "crying" she attempts.....*shivers*

I think ER is good .....technically she's not an outstanding "actor", she's good IMO, Even with that I think she is one of the better AMC actresses b/c she brings other qualities to the role and will always be "Bianca" to me. And she does have a child and I believe she lives in LA so I'm not sure why you're so against her doing a "guest cameo arc". Who's to say she won't do more? Maybe she just wants to test the waters first. At least she's doing that...it's more than others.

I hope you'll give AMC a chance.....PP cannot help what the actors will do and if they won't join right away. I'm actually glad they are not filling the show up with a ton of recast. I think picking to focus on different characters or a smaller cast, for now, might be the perfect option.

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It seems like she wouldn't consider joining full time whether it's now or later, just something recurring. You need that age group and Bianca and Kendall should both be regulars. They have a lot of 50+ actors and 40s, but they need some people in their 30s as well.

LOL I was trying to be nice. She's one of the worst actresses I've ever seen. Started off okay but she never grew and got worse.

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