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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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I spoke too soon when Khan mentioned Hal Corley for part of AMC's writing team and I said he wouldn't be interested. I just had a brief chat about some things with him and he mentioned that he WAS part of the team they were assembling last year--in fact he started watching the final months of AMC just to get a feel for the show at the time, and that he would come back but he's very suspicious of any chance that the deal with the WGA will work out (due not just to PP but the WGA itsels who are really digging int heir heels as they feel this will set precedent for what union members get at future cyber shows). He also said Lorraine Broderick (who he worked with at ATWT as well--though execs fired him from there, with AMC he moved with LB at her request) is tothe best he knows very happyright now at DAYS, so...

(Oh and that despite some health problems, Agnes Nixon remains more sharp than ever, but obviously won't comment on this right now).

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They used to. Daytime used to be home for some really wonderful actors who had had both extensive training and theatre experience. By the mid-'80's, though, it seemed as if "the look" was all that counted to most casting directors, save for Joan D'Incecco and Betty Rea.

Nope. #Khan4AMC2HW :)

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True, her record isn't spotless. Leah Laiman, though, seems to be the one few, remaining writers who truly enjoy writing for soaps and want soaps to be just that. Nowadays, that's probably the best any of us could hope for out of a potential HW.

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I have to say I really enjoyed ALL MY CHILDREN a lot when Hal Corley served as interim HW during that period after Megan McTavish's first exit from the show. IMO, the show had become so ugly and mean-spirited, so Corley bringing back some of the light to Pine Valley in time for Lorraine Broderick's return was much, much appreciated.

(And yes, Eric, you can tell him I said so, lol.)

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Ha he posts on a theatre forum (he really knows his theatre--of course I guess his plays have won some awards), and I had no idea who he was as his pseudonym doesn't give it away but we started talking off the forum and suddenly I clued into his name. He has great stories of how tight the writing staff was at AMC in the 90s--Agnes Nixon he says had last say , the network almost always trusted her (so I guess she didn't hate McTavish back then as some claim--at least until the ntwork suggested she be replaced). Apparently Agnes would call people up with script notes at 8am on Easter, etc, and the writers hung out a lot outside of work.

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Khan, I will. And yes, apparently Nixon still keeps both her home and her Manhattan flat--so she's well enough to travel between them.

As for PP and WGA, Corley said he didn't know the current state--WGA writers wouldn't be approached at thispoint until something IS dealt with, he just said it would be a lot of hard work and the main issue (something I think most of us gathered from all the rumours by now...)

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Unfortunately, I'm a union man, so I believe PP needs to iron out some sort of deal with the WGA. Writers need protection; otherwise, producers, IMO, can work them like mules for little or nothing.

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