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GH: December 2012 Discussion Thread

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Thank you, AdelaideCate, though I can't take credit for Slagbeast - as I'd actually stolen that from TWoP.

I thought that scenario was supposed to go to Jax's daughter once she turned 18 so that she could be old enough to seduce the roided goiter. Either one would work as the cherry on top of a delicious karma sundae.

hermancain.gif @ Michael Quartermaine and Morgan Jacks...

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On another note, I must compliment Ron for actually making Molly tolerable for the first time since she's been a speaking character. Not once during her scenes with Todd and his Shorty did I wish that she STFU, which gives me hope that Ron is developing her beyond the rainbows-and-unicorns brat that I loathed.

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I love Molly and her friendship with Starr too, but MAN, her shrieking today when she lost the copy of her book tried my patience but quick.

I like that this is what she's up to, though--given what a few other teen girls on soaps have gone through recently, seeing one who's writing a book is a welcome change indeed.

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Woah, WTF happened to this thread? Yup, looks like I'll have to bump the GH: Alternative thread. Here it is: http://boards.soapop...hl__alternative

There's always a few who don't watch the show or don't want to actually discuss what's happening on the show. If you want to fool around, please use the alternative thread. How is the world is there 27 pages for 3 episodes????? Way too much nonsense.

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I've always believed that Jax was the only parent that cared about his child (as well as his stepchildren), so it's only fitting I that refer to Josslyn as his child (whom he should've never lost custody of in the first place - yet another thing that I'll add on my list of things that Ron needs to undo).

Speaking of Sonny, has he truly been backburnered as a character? I ask because I know that my definition of 'backburnered' (as in Mac Scorpio status) is completely different than what another viewer may consider as being put on the backburner (only being on 3 times a week, as opposed to all 5).

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How convenient for AJ to have a pic of Faison on his phone. But I have to give it to the slimy bastard, AJ is just waiting for the charges to get dropped and it's on! Sonny better back off and Carly either needs to play nice or get ready to rumble!

But someone has to help me understand why they think what Sonny did was so bad? Can we honestly say that Kate would not appreciate it? Connie is trying to hump every guy in her path and she's using Kate's body to do it. I'm totally team Sonny here although I'd like both Kate and Connie gone. However, if the exit of both means the entrance of Brenda, NO [!@#$%^&*] THANK YOU! Cackles aint needed.

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