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Haha, I cant with those pictures you posted. Taeyang's pants are almost as bad as his hair...lol








They look adorable...lol




I will forever love this dance






I hadn't heard Heartbeat before but I like it! I LOVE these performances



 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BdGGtVQ5mQs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rJmnwExCfwY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


the video for this actually stars at 30 seconds in














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Clearly she is only wearing that shirt bc she's obsessed with Seungri. I mean why wouldn't she be?

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Ok nice idea bolding the names of the K-Pop groups we discuss from now on tongue.png



Missing them! Thanks for the pics. The Yoseob/Junhyung/Dujun pic is very nice. Yoseob is looking a bit more...grown up. Cool outfit, belt and all!


Omg...BOSS! Pure, immaculate perfection



A bouncing off the walls mess.

Forgot to quote this:

This really is a wonderful idea. Or When The Door Closes. Any combination of them + Taeyang could be gold

laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png Oh she has to be

10 out of 10 is added to my top jam list. I'm finding that I like their older songs more...that song is from like 2008! LOL. And I think this group must've had some member changes over the years?

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I miss them too but I love that image biggrin.png


He's like a friggin jumping jellybean!

I dig it. The record labels need to read this thread...lol

I think it highlights just how obsessed I am bc the minute I saw her, I thought, hey Seungri wore that pattern!

Just one. The leader of the group Jay Park got kicked out. From what I understand he's originally from the US and went over to S.Korea when he was a teen to train to be a group. Around the groups debut, some old Myspace posts that he had up leaked out where he said stuff about hating Koreans and he got a lot of heat and hate for that. He pretty much had to flee the country and the record label said he was taking a break while things cooled down but he never return. Some say he was quietly dismissed, others said he left on his own. From stuff Ive read up, his posts were taken completely out of context. He wrote his blog coming from a place of frustration when he was a kid in a foreign country having a difficult time adjusting and having to deal with all that pressure.

He's doing pretty good for himself now and is a solo artist. Just looked up his material after writing that up and he's pretty good!


ETA: This gif



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I do hope B2ST are still recording new music?

I hope someone out there reads our little thread. I just went down memory lane for a bit...LOL @ our little cute discussions! We really became obsessed & our love is still growing! That really is hysterical how you immediately thought of Seungri when you saw Kristen's shirt print laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

But really. The record labels so should read & implement our suggestions. All these groups seem like they're close and/or cool with each other so why not mash 'em up (song wise)?!

Thanks for the scoop on Jay Park. He sounds pretty smooth. Love the urban style of that video, I definitely have to check out more of his stuff!

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OMG, the MichiGo! video was released. LOVE it!








I love that Taeyang did a cameo and I love his hair like this! Those four guys look like they could make for a cool group

Tell me the doll faces didn't remind you of Nicki's video?


B2ST....they better! I haven't read anything recently from them but Im starved for more music. I wish they'd at least promote and sing Black Paradise live.

I like Jay's sound so I think I may look into him more. Here's some intereting tidbit about 2PM's origins. They started off as an eleven member group called One Day. Yes ELEVEN members! LOL. They were split off into two groups, 7 of the guys making up 2PM and the other 4 became 2AM. I haven't listened to any of 2AM's material but they did do a song with 2PM, called One Day, a throwback to their origin


I love all those photos, especially GD an CL together. Id love them to release an EP together

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That video was AWESOME! Very creative, I love the random train/bathroom/library/pedicure setups! My fave part is after he says he's a big boy....WTF's going on there laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png Love it. And it totally gave me "Turn Me On" video vibes w/the doll faces.

Taeyang, Se7en & Teddy's cameos were a nice surprise. I too like Taeyang's hair like that.

Damn Cheap you have the FRESHEST avatars. Hook me up! LOL


That's crazy they were originally an 11 man group. It was fascinating seeing them all together in that Oneday vid. I listened to some 2AM songs. They made me depressed! They seem to be a more soulful R&B/cabaret type group as all the songs I found were sad love songs. Not bad though!

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Those guys look so fresh and fly that I think I should check them out. It seems like Id like them. Well I like Teddy from his part in GD's The Leaders and Taeyang's Prayer.

How about these? lol



Cool. I read that they were more classically inclined

Big Bang

Check out Seungri doing covers for Lies, I Need a Girl, Heartbreaker and Sunset Glow. He's pretty good!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/R4PekJI5-44" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I cant find the talk segment of this but later he mock raps TOP's part from Knockout. Watch out GD, Taeyang and TOP. Daesung, you're safe! lol

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3AdZ7zemjFI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This is the only time Ive seen him perform Magic. It has such a good sound to it. Very Justin Timberlakeish

tumblr_mlkslmQDIA1qzc7cko2_500.jpg tumblr_mlkslmQDIA1qzc7cko1_500.jpgtumblr_mlkslmQDIA1qzc7cko1_500.jpg

That's from a 2009 Vogue photoshoot. Love it!


I always wondered but didn't put it together till I saw this gif of them all together. Seungri was totally mocking BB in his video. You got a lookalike for all of them...lol

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EZnQ-zXaask" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

That's apparently a promo for Taeyang's upcoming association with JSDA ‘Japanese Street Dance Association’. Info will be revealed May 1st. I wonder what it is. Anyways, cant wait! I hope its to announce he is going on tour


Just because!


He's so crazy and silly...lol

tumblr_mlkfc6mguC1rq9fnyo1_400.gif tumblr_mlkfc6mguC1rq9fnyo3_400.gif

I have no clue who she is but I loved their dancing



How cool is that?


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L3BkU4UevpQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yKHMQfwDZoo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

They are at least still doing concerts


4M is coming out with a new song and your girl HyunA released a teaser...lol

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/shljco0Oggc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

tumblr_mlkv73Ro2e1qehoyoo3_250.gif tumblr_mlkv73Ro2e1qehoyoo6_250.gif


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biggrin.png biggrin.png biggrin.png YES!! Thank you, Cheap! wub.png

Wow this was cool I especially LOVED his solo rendition of Lies! Snagging...


@1:18-1:27 wub.png OMG, this made my night

Have you ever seen this vid of him singing my fave song White Love?


Very interesting!


Damn I'm digging Dongwoon's redhead babdboy look in those vids. Hyunseung, OTOH? OMG!! Where to begin. No


laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png Dying. I deserve that

I'll give it a chance, I gotta admit from watching the teaser it looks & sounds hot!

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Oh gosh I meant to post in here that yes I replaced him after one day! It was a perplexing decision...Hope you don't mind! I still kept the sig ;-) and prob will forever. I just saw that pic of the Queen and was like...I need to flaunt that

And what a FANTASTIC idea wub.png

Just...omg @ ALL those gifs!! The best!! biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

I can't laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

LOL!! Adorable & look at GD chillin and that other guy darting that shoddy look at him in the background laugh.png

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