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The 1980's


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I am painfully nostalgic when it comes to my eighties childhood. It was a great time to be a kid. I think about all of those toys that have become pop culture icons: Transformers, G.I. Joe, He-Man/She-Ra, Rainbow Brite, Cabbage Patch Kids, et cetera. Then of course the phenoms like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Whitney Houston...

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I was born in '79, so I hit kindergarten in '84 when all of those toys I mentioned hit the scene. Christmas? Oh my God, I could cry looking back on how great those times were. All those cute girls in my classes with their side ponytails and neon bracelets and leg warmers singing Madonna and The Bangles, wow. Of course a lot of my older relatives who I adored were still with us then which ups the nostalgia quotient. I wouldn't trade my experience for anything, bit it would be fun to go back as a rich twenty/thirtysomething and do the eighties over again in a Dynasty kinda way. No other decade in recent history quite embraced material extravagance like the eighties. That would be fun.

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I mostly remember the 80s for this strange feeling of peace, which I probably wouldn't have had if I was older, but I did at the time. I also loved the TV of that era. Sitting down to watch Dallas or Falcon Crest or Golden Girls.

Looking back you think wow this was a hellish decade, but it was so distinct. The 90s was the decade of shame, and more shame, and even more shame, and since the 00s we no longer have any real styles or trends or anything. We're just in endless nostalgia mode.

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80s baby here who remembers the good things (the music and television) and the bad things (the erosion of many Black communities through the crack epidemic/economical discord) about the decade. I'd imagine that my memories would be less fonder if I were an adult.

As per the 90s (since it was mentioned), I believe that it was a more fruitful decade filled with opportunity in a way that the 80s had not been - at least, not for Black people. IMO, these current times have a lot more in common with the 80s than they do with the 90s and that's not a good thing.

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I think the 90s had the potential for more opportunity, and did have opportunity for many, but unfortunately the end of the decade seemed to burn a lot of that out, which I'd blame on caving in to right wing framing.

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I was born in 1989, but I became nostalgic for the 80s at an age when I was really too young to know what nostalgia was, LOL.

I blame this website here:


I've been going there longer than almost any other website on the Internet (yeah, I know, sad).

Well, that, and from watching Punky Brewster reruns on the old Family Channel from 1993-1996 smile.png.

I really do believe I would have done the 80s proud if I had been a teenager in that decade, based on my iPod alone.

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I was born in 1991 and I think my generation is completely boring!! First of all since the creation of my space and facebook people in my generation has been so desensitized to everything. We can post horrible things on YT or Facebook and get away with it because it is not like the person at the other end can follow you home and beat you up!!

Anyway, I have always liked to look at things from the 80s and before in retrospect. Basically anything from the 20s through the 80s.

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