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Matt Smith reiterated again in a recent interview that he is contracted through to 2014. This apparently includes, from what we've heard, at least part of Series 8 in the autumn of next year, the anniversary special, and the following Christmas special. Everyone is speculating as to whether he will go beyond that. We just don't know. He seems game.

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She's done very well since Who frankly shortchanged her as part of its Rose hangover. (They made up for it the following year and with the Torchwood offer, but still) Lots of work here and there. I'm so glad, I always just loved her. I think she'll end up being an elegant beauty and working well into old age.

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Thoughts on "The Bells of Saint John"? I thought it was great but Moffat's misogynistic humor was back. (Monk asks if someone is evil, Doctor says she's a woman, monk crosses himself.) I still like Clara and I liked the concept of the souls being sucked into the Internet. I liked the return of the villain (don't want to give it away for anyone who hasn't watched yet.) I look forward to finding out more about Clara and why she recurs through time. I guess Oswin is from "Oswald for the win." I'm glad Clara laughed at the Doctor's invitation at the end and told him to come back the next day, instead of just jumping on board.

I liked the multiethnic guest cast. I felt represented by Alexei and by the guy at the beginning.

The "revert to factory settings" at the end for the main human villain was a clever, sad twist. Lots of other great twists along the way too, both by the villains and by the Doctor to guarantee cooperation from his adversaries. Great commentary on what people put on Facebook as well (though Moffat is too harsh on Twitter)!

You can buy them off Amazon or iTunes if you're still looking. We're on to the second half of the season now!

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Saw "The Christmas Invasion," Tennant's first full episode. Everything clicked in a way that has never happened before. Is it possible to be in love with Tennant after only one episode? Cos I seriously swooned every time he smiled. He is terrific at the part! And he has amazing chemistry with Piper. Sad about what happened with Harriet Jones, though.

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Glad you liked it ... I didn't feel that bad for Harriet, since she did just blow up a ship that was leaving. "Don't you think she looks tired?" "Song for Ten" was a great song at the end of this episode.

I'm jealous, you have so many more great episodes ahead of you!

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Wouldn't be Moffat if he didn't have the new female companion meet the Doctor as a kid ... Glad this wasn't on the televised show at least, and glad Clara wasn't obsessed with the Doctor after this.

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