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GH: August 2012 Discussion Thread

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why not just stop Jerry from doing anything at all? Why leave Robin's daughter around to be murdered. That doesnt seem to make a whole lot of sense that her death was faked and she was kept in a mental insittion in PC for months if he was trying to protect her from Jerry. Lets not forget that Anna would have been in PC to be killed as well. The only reason she left was bc Heather tipped her off and thats bc she got caught. Duke had nothing to do with the events which led to that. If Heather hasnt been caught, Anna would still be in PC

It makes little sense

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I think I love and hate this all at the same time. LOOOVE its Duke, but hate we're now going to see Duke with the hacks at the helm.

At least its actually a character from GH. I was so convinced it would be someone from OLTL.

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