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GH: August 2012 Discussion Thread

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I don't see how Johnny is being written as comedy. He has wanted to atone for what he has done after committing a mistake. His character isn't ruined and more over he isn't being shown in a negative light for another character. Johnny's sins are his alone and it drives story for him, it's character based. We see how much he wants to change and be a better person and want to change and get out of the mob. It's nowhere near as bad as perpetual screw-up cuckold Lucky and how he was a complete loser compared to Jason, not to mention how he was infantilized as a character to the point of uselessness, he couldn't even tie his shoe laces without Liz there to support him. You had Jax trying to buy her uterus because useless Lucky couldn't provide for his family and wasn't man enough to support his woman.

Look at the difference between how Patrick's addiction storyline is being treated compared to Lucky's and tell me there isn't a massive change in characterization in terms of sympathy in regards to how they are written. Lucky was completely trashed under Guza (numerous times) to justify other characters choices and decisions. I am using Lucky because he was the poser child for it but there are many, many more characters thrown under the bus for Guza's pets. Patrick and Johnny have not been trashed anywhere near the amount that GV's version of Luckless was and that is a direct improvement for Cartini ahead of Guza.

The show has been a lot better with the moderation of Sonny and Jason being pushed to supporting and background characters. Immeasurably. I can't agree with you there. The stories themselves aren't great I agree. But the show and the characters are much more watchable since the work doesn't feel or appear to be so heavy handed in terms of general bias.

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I definitely agree that, to an extent, we're not being told who to root for as much . . . previously marginalized characters are allowed more of a voice. But RC still pussyfoots around a lot of major stuff, IMO. I think the main problem with the show right now is that it's really erratic; like I said above, I appreciate the movement, but there's an incredibly random quality to the show since RC took over. Like this Jerry Jacks business--WTF?!? LOL. It's brought the show together, but not in a way that's logical. Still, I'm SO glad people aren't as isolated anymore.

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You said characters aren't derided to the point of comedy. AJ and Lucky weren't written as comedy, but they were derided. So is Johnny. He had to become yet another "Cartini" psycho who does every bad thing the plot calls for, because that was the best way to prop Todd and Sonny.

I don't see a difference. Has having John, who tanks every scene and has zero chemistry with anyone, taking half of Jason's role really made a difference? Has having Joe Jr and his denture whistling and 30 year old Ford knockoff son been that fantastic? The filler stories remain filler stories. Most of PC revolves around one generic headcase after another.

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