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GH: August 2012 Discussion Thread

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I think RC had high and low times on OLTL, but I do think he really understood the spirit of that show and his camp usually really worked. However, I don't think he knows how to write for GH at all.

However, I don't understand the dialogue complaints. These complaints with the dialogue started when GW took over. Sh** can be real clunky, sure. But I though Guza's GH had horrible dialogue--some of the worst! His humor could be just as lame and his team never got it right with the breakdowns and dialogue. I'm lost as to how, under GW or RC's direction, the dialogue is any worse. And while the breakdowns usually lack sensible connectivity, at least the episodes move around, while under Guza the characters and action rarely moved around in a single episode. Guza's episodes (and plots) were so stagnant, at least I can say people are shuffled around and the storylines intersect now.

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Eh. I don't think the show is bad now, just tepid and boring. At least I am not wanting to throw things at my television screen every time Jason, Sonny, Carly or Liz are on like I did before. People can praise Guza to high heavens if they want, but it won't change the fact that it was clear who was in the right in all of his stories and who was in the wrong like a kindergarten child's coloring book. At least with this version of GH no one is portrayed as black and white nor are they defined as right or wrong. There is no endless justifications for bastard, cruel characters getting away with things just because they are a part of the anointed three/four. There are no apologists and endless praises for one character while ignoring their unsavory points to the extent of having the entire cast become imbeciles to support them. Characters aren't being derided to the point of damn near comedy. There is no Lucky's to Jason's, Claudia's to Carly's, Rebecca's to Liz's, or Ric's to Sonny's. There is at least some semblance of equal footing and balance in characterization in terms of both flaws and virtues, which I like.

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Now even Johnny the rapist and kid killer?

The problem is that everyone and their brother went on about how GH was going to become paradise as soon as "Cartini" showed up. Look, no mob. Look, no Jason and Sonny. Look, no depressing, convoluted plots.

Instead it's just more of the same.

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I totally respect your opinion and understand it's a popular one 'round here. smile.png I just have a different take. When an episode mainly consisted of Lulu questioning Dante about Brenda in the same set, Carly complaining about Brenda to Jason in the same set, Sonny and Olivia talking about how weird Dante and Brenda are being in the same set, Jax and Brenda arguing about Sonny and Carly in the same set, and then a side of Patrick and Robin arguing about Lisa in the hospital . . . I think that's a pretty static breakdown and I usually wasn't into the dialogue. I certainly have notable exceptions, it's just that I personally haven't felt that the dialogue has gotten noticeably worse since Guza left last July. JMO. smile.png

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