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GH: August 2012 Discussion Thread

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Most, if not all of, of what Heather did was to serve as a catalyst for other characters. Whether or not her motivations for said actions make sense is apparently quite subjective but you can't argue that her character type for the last few months was catalyst.

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Yes, but a catalyst for what? Nothing has really changed on the show. Todd is still the outsider cracking wise. Sam still looks depressed and revolves around John and Jason. The only real difference is that instead of Olivia yelling at people she's now another comic relief crazy.

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A couple of pages back someone said Heather did RM no favors. I have to disagree 100 percent. Heather was an acting showcase for RM and if you listen to RM in real life she sounds and talks very different than Heather. I was listening to an online interview with her and was shocked how the octave she uses for Heather is not her normal one, the way she stresses words as Heather is not how RM does it, and RM could be hired to teach the no-talents of GH that acting is not the mere act of playing your character as if you were the person this is happening too (see Jason Thompson). There is a real Grand Guignol aspect to RM's acting and she always gives a scene with Heather that extra bit of drama.

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I disagree. Heather has moved a lot of chess pieces since she came on last spring. She broke up Sam and Jason, she brought Sam and John closer together, she has indirectly caused problems and issues with Lulu and Dante by bring up seeds of doubt about her marriage, she has brought Luke and Lulu closer, she pushed Anna into a search for Robin and she has completely changed Olivia's character with the LSD drugging and given story and focus to Steven Lars (I hope I never hear that name again). You can say all of this is inconsequential but that doesn't mean she hasn't pushed story. There is a difference between disliking a story and denying that it existed. I hated that Heather was a plot point and that she had no real direction other than to push story for other characters but I can't deny that she did push story and was a lead for other characters.

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Everything you mentioned with Sam and her two sourpusses was already well in motion and would have happened anyway.

I don't see any issues with Dante and Lulu.

Olivia is still a bit player and Steven Lars even more so.

That means the "story" amounts to a few episodes of Anna bothering to remember that she had a daughter. Thrilling stuff.

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+1 on this. Thats why I said people just ignore it bc they dislike it. I know you hated it and made that well known but at least you looked at it objectively here

Jason and Sam werent headed towards a divorce until Heather showed up and told her about Frano being Jason's brother. It started going downhill from there and then Heather switched the DNA test, further putting a rift between them. Since then she switched her kid which cemented the split and they are now getting a divorce, all based off of the stuff that Heather put into motion. Had Sam never gone to Ferncliff to see Heather, her life would be much different now than had she crossed paths with her. She and Jason would likely be happily married raising their child together, having put Franco to rest

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Being unsure about the baby's paternity and the endless "You know how I know you? How do you know how I know you?" with John was the start of them breaking up. The rest is tacked on and if anything it has actually hurt their storyline.

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She WAS sure of the baby's paternity. She had a DNA test which confirmed Jason as the father and they put that issue to rest. It didnt become an issue again until Heather told her Jason and Franco were twins, which reopened the paternity issue which Heather ended up messing with. They were relatively happy right before Heather entered their lives. Divorce or breaking up wasnt even a thought

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Lulu looks like a hooker

Joe Jr was involved in the MetroCourt hostage crisis? I dont get what the point of this reveal is. I think his connection to Jerry is more contrived than any with the Zacharas

LOL...whatever people feel about her, Im gonna miss this crazy bitch


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There were years of wars about whether or not Liz was a huge whore and the root of all evil. There's been a few days of discussion about Heather the plot point and her non-stories.

Anyway, I'm glad people enjoyed it. As happy as I was that Robin Mattson was back on TV for a few months, I just wish it had been for something beyond failed ratings stunts involving a baby no one (viewers or characters, apparently) cares about.

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