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GH: August 2012 Discussion Thread

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That they continued it. The story was garbage, and served zero purpose, other than to enable another Tony Geary getaway plan. They had no problem ignoring history when it suited them (like Anna and Luke suddenly being lifelong friends).

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I guess its a double edge sword bc on the one hand you have people complaining its nothing like GH yet on the other hand they have run with the GH that was handed to them. It's not the 80s or 90s as those days are over. That GH is dead and has been for quite some time. You may not like it but a lot of this stuff is consistent with what's already been established in the years prior to them coming on
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I have to say, I'm in total agreement with Cheap here. Heather added an incredible amount to the show. The character of Sam isnow totally rejuvenated and much more likeable. Todd is now the only OLTL vet that has a legitimate reason to stayh in PC, thanks to Heather. Olivia finally has something interesting happening to her, after 2 years of being nothing butan annoyance.

And her story IS consistent. 8 years ago we learned about Heather and Luke, and now that's still a focus of her story. Whether you like it or not, it is consistent with her history. NOTHING about Heather's past was rewritten, really, to bring her back this time. Sure, you could argue the Franco angle - but is it really such a stretch? It alligns perfectly with things Heather has done before and certainly doesn't seem out of character.

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I don't see how taking Franco matched up to what she's done before. I thought it was bewildering. When you have Heather do anything and everything just for a kick, then there is no character. Heather was a walking plot device for this entire run. I never believed a word out of her mouth.

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The Heather/Franco angle made sense and added validity to what Guza and GW had done with this character. We finally got an explanation as to why he was so damn obsessed with Jason. Instead of him randomly appearing to play mind games with someone he really shouldn't have been so fixated on. I didn't think Heather selling him was out of character at all

Why bc she's never sold away her own blood?
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First you have to take into account that Heather sold her OWN child on the black market? Is it really that hard to believe she'd sell someone elses?

Second, she did it because Susan needed the money for her medical bills. You have to understand that Heather is not a person that thinks rationally. In her mind, I'm sure selling one of the babies to get Susan money seemed like a genuinely good thing to do. Sure, she did some awful things, but I've always believed she cared about Susan, and selling a baby to help her is right in line with everything Heather has ever done.

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Anywhoo, the clown is gone, so what are we gonna do for laughs now? Actual chacter based writing is not gonna happen, so I guess we will have to rely on Shecky.

Yesterday, for the first time in quite some time, I thought I was going to enjoy Carly until not one word from her mouth made sense. SMDH!

Nathan Parsons, Frequent??? My hatred runs really deep here. What a putrid character and actor. Another one who looked as if you dumped him in water, he'd begin to sizzle.

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By the time Susan had Jason, I don't think she and Heather were close at all. When Heather was around Susan by then, it was based on the money Susan was going to get from Alan. That's why I don't understand why Susan needed money for medical bills - Alan was paying her way.

When Heather sold her child she was completely destroyed emotionally, Jeff had used and dumped her, she was talked into it by convincing people. She regretted it and her main focus was getting Steven Lars back. Then her focus was mostly Joe Kelly, or money. Her randomly giving away a baby doesn't fit that to me.

I see zero story in any of this. Taking Sam's baby would likely give Todd more reason to leave Port Charles, not stay there. Olivia is as pointless as ever. So is Steven Lars. The Luke story was a huge bust with zero impact on the canvas.

Did Heather actually do anything in her return which led to a real storyline? The closest we get is Sam moping around with the lip-pursing Pigpen instead of moping around with Borg. That was already happening before she had the baby.

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