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Joseline is a hoot. 


But I don't see how the ATL show is going to go on if they don't have Stevie and Joseline pull double-duty. There was already that gap that K. Michelle left, but these two would put a nail in the show. 


And I still don't know why they keep renewing NYC. I don't care for anybody on that show. 

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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I'll watch that later and post my thoughts


Mama Deee sounding drunk, talks about being married and goes in on Erica

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ETA: Just listened to that interview and man it was bad. She is so damn RATCHET. Id be embarrassed if I were Scrappy. Wasted and acting a fool Edited by Cheap21
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Eric and Chit do you think the ratings for Hollywood will go down because of the gay couple. I have to admit I'm interested in the storyline but I also want it to feel organic and from what I'm seeing it looks kinda just there and I get the sense they'll be isolated from the rest of the cast.


I can't believe after all Hazel went thru last season...all the numerous ways she was destroyed on Twitter and across the internet and just entirely embarrassed that she allowed herself to get played yet again by another man.

I didn't see any sign of Masika which is kinda sad. Away from Nicki she's pretty good. It will be weird not seeing Berg on the show. He seemed to be the only who knew everyone on the cast. Besides actually have a solid background in the music industry (apart from still struggling to get a hit Ray J and luck as hell Omarion).

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Margeaux came for Jos and she failed. She looked stupid acting pressed for no reason.


WTF with Mimi and Jos at the end? They got me like


ETA: Stevie and Joseline sneak peak!

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Ewwww, not only is Moniece dating Rich, but he's on this show? EWWWW


what was up with all the bad weave last night?

My jaw dropped! Did not see that coming. Miles and Milan though arguing about Miles not wanting to come out.....dude he just did on national tv. Signing up on this show should have been enough for you.

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Why she look like Tanisha from Bad Girls Club?

Ritchie saying he never thought he could fall for a girl the way he has with Mo before. He said the same thing about Erica. Rich needs to run though bc she is already showing early signs of the crazy that Fizz left. I see psycho in her. She will flip on him if and when he hurts her


I dont think Princess is that cute. Im with T. I wouldnt trust her and now wanting to be friends. Ray was tripping telling her she cant go out and to change her clothes. Im glad she's doing her though


Soulja Boy and Nia? I didnt think they were on the show anymore. Its sad how women lose their damn minds over worthless men that arent worth their time.


There is such a big disconnect in the gay storyline. Miles is tripping about not coming out BUT YOU ARE ON A DAMN REALITY SHOW. You have cameras on you. I cant. They dont even address this

Nikki looks better this season but her body shape bothers me. Her boobs are way too big and her waist is too small. The proportions are all off. She could also use some weight on her arms

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I felt so bad for Amber. I cant hate on her and felt her reaction was justified. Miles was f--ked up as hell to bring her on tv to humiliate her and her daughter like this. He should have done this as a man in private and not made a spectacle out of her life

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God, I cant stand Brandi. Its like they wanted a Brandi and since they couldnt get Norwod, they settled for this bum bitch

Why Ray and Teairra always meeting on a cliffside?

Damn she's looking rough. LMAO at her grandma being "I knew it!"

Nas: "Why dont you go twerk on someone's dick as usual and stop worrying about me" DEAD. She read that bitch. Nikki is so messy. She gets invited to a store opening and starts a fight? Im glad Nas went in on her

Nia is beautiful but there's something about her mouth that bothers me when she opens it

I did feel bad for Miles when he was telling his family the truth. That mess was terrible. I didnt like how they came at him. I hope things have improved for him since especially with the rest of the family

She had a good weave!

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My heart absolutely went out to Miles.  That had to be hard for him.  Homosexuality is far more accepted than it was before, but for rappers?  Not so much.  You can tell how much it was killing him, so I'm super happy he can be happy.  I'd love for him to dump Milan tho.  


Amber, doesn't look like she was born a woman, but I guess she was to have that kind of reaction.  Miles was not giving her much play, he was stalling, so she should have moved on.  Falling all in the street?  I had to make sure I was not watching Maury.  


Fizz let me down this season.  He went from being a decent guy to a punk.  


Nikki doesn't like to be called plastic?  Um...why?  


Ray J remains unbearable.  I could never watch this live without the remote close by to change the channel.  

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Should she have known? Maybe but he was very manipulative. He would lead her on and tell her things to keep her close. Her convo with her grandma was very telling. Miles was controlling and did things to keep her from fully moving on bc he didnt want to fully lose her. I feel for him and his situation but that doesnt excuse him hurting her the way he did. He obviously used her as a beard and if he loved her the way he says, he should have made it clear that they were completely over with no chance of reunion a long time ago. Instead he gave her false hope and was never direct with her about that

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Miles cant rap. Is he really in the music industry or was that manufactured by Mona to make him relevant to this series?


Amber when she found out Milan paid her rent twice. "Thank you. I really appreciate that. I didnt know it was coming from you". LOL. Im glad she kept her cool and didnt come at him crazy.


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Moniece's mother is so cold with her. Like wow. Moniece looks like she has some deep mental issues. Look at her. She does this all the time. When confronted in uncomfortable situations, she just shuts down. Like she's completely broken and there is no one there anymore. Sad 


Ewww, VH1. Why did they show this?


Princess: "I cant trust her as far as I can throw her and I cant pick the big bitch up so that should tell you everything" LOL....DEAD. Hazel saying she's not messy....yes you are. You are messy to even be meeting with Princess behind T's back. That was f--ked up of her to bring Berg back up to justify what she's doing. So this is payback? How you going to claim to forgive and move on and then pull this?


Shonda going back to stripping....what a ho ass move. Willie lied but as a wife you dont go take your clothes off for other men. Thats just unacceptable. I think he has more reason to be pissed at ehr than she has to be with him

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Moniece refuses to be a mother to her child. She didn't say her mother abandoned her.  Moniece said her mother took her away and married her stepfather.  She had a family, but why won't she mother her son?  She refuses to but wants to go on trips and have fun with the girls.  Moniece only goes on her mother rant when she is called out on being a bad mother herself.  Last week, she manipulated Fizz, and yes moms is cold, but Moniece has to own up!  

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Moniece is despicable and clearly is psychotic. Like for real danger to herself and danger to others level of psychosis. My heart broke for Drew in the episode last week when he broke down crying realizing that Moniece's mother was not willing to step up and help her own daughter.


I get that it hurts having a useless backstabbing POS for a mother but she really needs to get it together and take care of whats important...her damn son with Drew. If I were Drew I wouldn't even hesitate to get the courts involved and keep that trick away. Someone who's messing with Rich Dollas clearly has no intelligence. 

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