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Oooooohhhh Yandy is messy as f--k. Remember how I said she is ALWAYS arranging for the girls to fight? She did it again in last week's episode! She arranges to meet Amina to talk business and proceeds to grill her and then ambushes her with Tara. Of course those two start swinging and its all Yandy's fault. Messy bitch. I had to laugh at her calling Rich a fraggle rock

What was the point of adding K. Michelle on the show? She has no presence! You wouldn't even know she was on it if you didn't see her kool aid looking ass hair in the opening. She's another Samiya

Erica Mena looks EXACTLY like this girl I know. Its uncanny the resemblance

Why should I give a damn about Tahiry and Joe's relationship? This is something they really should have dropped and left in last season.


This season Ronald McDonald is back and she thinks she's Lady Gaga


Why is this bald headed bitch on the show getting turned up at EVERY ho she comes in contact with?

"So now my wife knows Im married to my wife." Ugh, Peter is so nasty. I don't even know why he married Amina bc he doesn't act like he loves her

Erica's gf asks her "who's Peter Gunz?" and Erica says "Korey Gunz's father" Huh? His cornball looking son is a name that one would know over him?

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Spinoff of what? The only thing her appearance on NY is doing for her is showing how irrelevant she is. If she was actually involved, getting turned up or at the very least was a supporting character in someone elses' story, she'd at least give the producers material to work with and VH1 a justification for her getting a spinoff but as it stands, she's such a non-entity. People go, K-Who? If she wasn't in the opening, you wouldn't even know she was on the show

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I just watched two of the most recent episodes of this program.

What are these women seeing in these loser ass and so-called "business managers" Dollarz and Gunz?

Amina marries Peter, who doesn't want anybody to know about the marriage, due to his OTHER "relationship" with his girlfriend/mother of his two boys. Gets a tattoo of her married last name on her body, buys the rings, because of broke ass manager/secret husband cannot afford to purchase those things on his own and sees that he can't do crap for her "career" at all and that's supposed to show how strong she is "as a woman"?!

Edited by difficultdiva
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I just watched them too. Peter is gross. I couldnt beleive he said "which one of my women do I love the most? Whichever one Im with at the time". I want both chicks to wise up and drop him

Meanwhile K. Michelle finally made an appearance and finally changed her hair. You know its bad when we are 6 episodes in and she's only had 3 hairstyles



Check out Tahiry's sister looking like Wanda. Same hair color, wack ass curls and even stupid lips

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OMG. Now, whenever that woman's featured, all I'm going to see is Wanda. Oh goodness.

As for Tara and Amina, I just don't get why they both haven't kicked pathetic Gunz to the gutter and keep their individual lives going forward?

This so-called man/business manager has how many women that are raising or have raised his kids, but they're still wasting their lives and futures on him?

Has there ever been one man featured on this show, that actually does what he professes to want to be: an actual man, who provides for his family, children and is faithful to the woman in his life?

I look at these shows and wonder why these women subject themselves to this treatment?

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Tara makes me sick and she is officially worse than Mimi. Peter is married to Amina and she knows it. So what does she do? Continue to sleep with him raw with no condom. Nasty ass ho. And then she is going to holler and bitch about him lying and wearing a wedding ring. What do you expect? She has no right to be angry when she willingly puts up with this. Peter is just a sorry excuse for a man. Total embarrassment and comes across like some teenage boy. Amina, surprisingly is the only one Im feeling in this sorry triangle. Girl needs to run far away from these two losers

And then theres Yandy's mess ass. Oh I don't want to get involved bc this isn't my business. Then why the F does she proceed to stick her nose in it by opening her big ass messy mouth to all parties? I cant with her. She loves to stir up drama

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Exactly Cheap21 I wanted to despise Amina but she's just so naive and dumb to realize how effed um her situation with Peter/Tara is. Tara is beyond Mimi at this point. Just a nasty ho really and she deserves everything Peter throws at her at this point.

Tahiry's sister is so ugly and so annoying. A damn shock and a shame considering how absolutely FLAWLESS I find Tahiry to be. She looks so tragic and completely damaged...get help sista.,

Just when I was starting to genuinely believe this relationship between Cyn and Erica they go and show that crazy preview of her and Rich. Talk about messy.....

Dumb Negro & Other Erica can go away. So tired of them and their boring storyline. Where's Joe? Can't wait for the episode tonight!

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I don't think there is a new episode of L&HH NY until December 30...correct me if I'm wrong.

Enjoying this new season. I'm not sure how the ratings are holding up but I kind of hope they don't do another cast overall next season because I'm enjoying getting to know some of the new characters, as appalling and as flawed as they are (Peter/Amina/Tara, Erica/Saigon, a bit disappointed K. Michelle doesn't do much, but whatevs).

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Dang it I just checked VH1's website and you're right....I was really looking forward to seeing this confrontation at the studio between Amina/Peter/Tara....

I say keep everyone but the two with the underdeveloped kid. They're not interesting at all. K Michelle needs to get back in the game so I'm willing to give her a pass for this lackluster premier season.

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