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Love and Hip Hop Thread


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LMAO that ish was funny and ALL HE DO IS CLOWN HER. I love that they wait for the finales for him to really clown her. I never feel sorry for her -- she gonna go through what Mimi did if she ever truly stays away from him... I need her to ditch Nikko though... ugh at that mess.

That karma is a bitch, she don't play.

1st season it was Mimi still living in the house and then now its let's have a LPG... he kills me. I wonder what he has in store for S3 to f**k up her world then too.

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LMAO! I cant with Benzino getting on this show as a supporting character to her storyline and she leaves season 2 as a supporting character to his. Isnt Karlie supposed to be one of the main chicks? Edited by Cheap21
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Call me crazy, but I think she looks absolutely stunning, and that dress is perfection!

Cheap, as for Steebie being cruel to Jos, yes he was. But when has Steebie been anything but cruel and disgusting? How many times has Steebie disappointed Jos? Too many to count, yet she continued on, and SHE ASKED FOR HIS HAND IN MARRIAGE! Jos has dissed Mimi in the name of Steebie as many times as Steebie has stepped on both women, yet she keeps running back for more to prove she won. She won alright! I was truly happy Jos got what she deserved [let this be a lesson to any woman who treats another like Jos did Mimi over a rodent like Steebie], and I like her more than I could ever like Mimi.

Scrappy? Don't see the difference in him from eppy one to the finale. He's just garbage, and will never amount to anything more. Erica has serious esteem issues to get with such filth! I was shocked he could read! I'd join the church before I let a man like that touch me!

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Jos' video was just released

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At least she got a season 3 story out of it

And wow did you guys hear the tea that Che Mack got booted from the show bc she wouldnt sleep with Steevie like Mona ordered her to?

And someone gif'd all of K's hairstyles this season


in comparison to season 1


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LOL...Grandma Redd was looking rough during the finale

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I haven't listened to it but apparently she goes in on Steevie and his disgusting ways. I bet she's just salty he never put a ring on her yet he "allegedly did" with Jos.






Edited by Cheap21
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Can you guys stop laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png I'm just now catching up. I'm hoping this changes and she gets somemore story tongue.png I need my girl

LMAO!! I noticed her ratch rapunzel ponytail in this ep too. That is ridiculous and has to be for the cameras; I mean who would walk around with that swinging...LOL

I honestly couldn't believe the Francine/Scrap developments in this ep. That backrub segment...OMG! Made me so sick

LOL @ you saying Nikko was looking busted laugh.png


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NEGATIVE! Mama Dee has more of a presence on the show than Karlie. If you didnt read my comment from the finale but Benzino came on the show as a supporting character to Karlie's story and she leaves this season as a supporting character to his. That should tell you all you need to know about how she's utilized....lol

Haha, I cant wait for your comments as you catch up. The Rasheeda/Kirk/Rasheeda's mom material will be worth it :lol:

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Oh, dear GOD this show is giving me life this Sunday afternoon!

DYING @ Nikko throwing a launch party for his WACK ASS MUSIC VIDEO! laugh.png

Stevie J: "I see this video playing and I'm like, the f-ck is this? ...TRASH!" LMAO!!!!

Mimi: "Nikko sends me the link to the video that I'm supposed to be the star of, and, I'm barely in it"

"When Nikko asked me to do this video, he said I would be the leading lady, but leading ladies get more than 2 seconds on the screen. It's exactly the same version of the video I DIDN'T LIKE!"


like I'm dying. All that mess at the club was hysterical to watch. Omg @ Ariane's incessant cackling throughout the whole thing. I'm actually enjoying the increase in her screen time. I love her loyalty to Mimi. Mimi is disgusting though. What a sellout. Can't believe she's warming up to Stevie and actually accepted the car he gave her nbe.jpgunbelievable.

OMG. Kirk vs Shirleen ohmy.pnglaugh.png I did not see that coming. Shirleen is the real boss BITCH! LOVED IT! She went in on him so hard. Goddamn. Kirk comes across dumb as hell in every aspect. His talking heads are embarrassing and the way he's treating Rasheeda is deplorable. I actually find it very difficult to watch. Thank God they brought Shirleen into this.

Karlie giving K Michelle her diss track about her for her Bday laugh.pnglaugh.png WTH?? "When I told K about the diss track, she was ok wit it. So I thought I would give her a copy of it before she even heard it on the streets, not to put it on blast in the club!" that was so dumb. I love her but no. Also lol @ their fight. It was so bizarre how they made up afterwards

Benzino's lonely, awkwardly shaped ass coming to K's birthday party and giving her a diamond necklace rolleyes.gif

Oh thanks. I'm starting to think I won't mind. LOL

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Traci you stupid broad inviting both Shay & Erica to Karlie's store opening! SHAME on her. I wish we could've gotten a reaction out of Karlie for that. Traci went and brought all that drama. Those bitches couldn't of at least taken it outside?!

LMAO @ Erica calling Shay "some old raggedy ratchet sideline ass ho" laugh.pnglaugh.png

Ok I loved Karlie in this ep again. Had no idea about her new weave shop icon1.gif Glad to hear it was successful and got a lot of press! Hope It's still going well. Also she looked flawless in every segment she was in! haters <

Also, LOL she always has the best sources and tea to spill. I love it. At least she's real about it and lets people know right away. Glad Mimi & Nikko broke up. Wow @ him wanting to set up a three way between him, Mimi & Karlie. SMH!!

The Rasheeda/Deb Antney scenes were very compelling


Damn Eric laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

Edited by AllMyDaysatGH
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