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GH: Down the road spoilers

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Granted this is from Daytime Dish but the insider dropped a lot of info during the last year of OLTL and since RC/FV have come to GH.


Patrick and Maxie will become closer (non romantically). Maxie decides to do for others for a change and moves in with Patrick and Emma to be there for them.

They will tease Jason/Liz and Sam/McBain before the truth of the baby is revealed. John and Natalie will not be together when John returns to PC and of course John will be the one to suspect something is up with the babies.

Sam goes back to work with Spinelli and will work on figuring out what connection Heather has to Todd when he gives her a job. Heather has ties to Alison Perkins and possibly Mitch Laurence.

There are plans for Blair to return for a 3rd stint in the fall and Tea is returning in August.

Johnny's character is doomed. Joe Jr and the Scullies are the new Zacharras.

The producer guy is supposed to be Kate's son and there will be angst with her son and Sonny being enemies. RC views Sonny and Kate as a tragic love story.

There are plans for Ted King to join the show.

Feel free to call it an invasion if you want now. Apparently FV pitched a GH/OLTL hybrid to ABC for when GH takes OLTL's old slot. The Llanview sets will be permanent and more Llanview characters will arrive. This will not be the GH you are used to.

Sam will get her baby back the week GH changes timeslots.

Robin is set to return for November sweeps and this may very will be tied to the revelation that Victor Jr. is alive.

September is going to be a huge month for GH as they want as strong as ratings as possible and they are throwing everything at the wall. Their fate isn't sealed yet but ABC is watching the ratings VERY closely.

You don't have to believe but this insider doesn't lie especially about the behind the scenes stuff. Feel free to take with a grain of salt or dismiss it altogether.

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I think, aside from brief stints, we are probably seeing about as many OLTL people as we will see. The only one I can see the show wanting is Victor (and Tea), since our saviors Cartini just adore him, but I doubt TSJ would return permanently.

Ugh. I'm just so tired of this [!@#$%^&*]. The OLTL finale sucked in large part because the show no longer even bothered to write any character for Allison. I don't want to see her again. Or hear about her.

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They said TSJ doesn't want to return full time it would only be to wrap up the story. Ted King is the only OLTL character that they mentioned getting a contract. He will be playing Tomas but Ted King's GH characters may be referenced as well. I have no idea what other OLTL characters will visit but I'm thinking Natalie, Viki and the members of Manning clan who haven't appeared yet.

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I honestly don't see any point in Tomas, and I doubt we will be seeing him again. I don't think we will see Natalie either. Either she will die offcamera or dump McBain offcamera, so he can do his failed Mick Jagger impersonation over this betrayal.

It would be nice to see Viki one last time but I don't know if I buy that either.

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I don't understand why they're making such a big deal out of OLTL and not trying to include any AMC characters. I'm sorry, but the suggestion of David Hayward makes sense and having one or two characters from that show would be nice for AMC fans. Obviously this is to court lasped OLTL viewers, so why not try and get viewers from all three soaps?

Then again, without better writing and more promo, this won't work anyway. They need to step it up badly. I can't believe this horrible Kate recast is still such a central character.

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Abc wants out of soaps. They don't regret cancelling anything.

This post sounds like a bunch of spec and wishful thinking and enough truths to make it sound legit. I don't believe FV pitched anything. I think he was brought on entirely for budget and ABC doesn't care.

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The OLTL/GH combining thing has nothing to do with FV being hired. Its what he pitched when he got the job. I don't think ABC is invested either but he probably thinks doing this will raise ratings enough to save the show. Unfortunately this will do more bad than good. Most OLTL fans have moved on and GH fans will be pissed their show is being turned upside down.

The insider said there would be Llanview sets being built before Michael Easton said anything about it so I do believe them. They have dropped numerous other things before, I wouldn't post it if I didn't believe there was some truth to what they were saying.

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blink.png. And don't get me started on Heather having ties to Mitch and Allison. True or not, that's just the kind of [!@#$%^&*] RC would write.

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