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GH: Discussion for the Month of May

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How long has Felicia been in town and she's still wearing the same outfit?

OMG, Kristina STFU! What the hell is she complaining about? This bitch needs to cut the attitude and get that chip off her shoulder. I know GH has no more bitches anymore but she is coming across as too much of a bitch, way too soon

Molly said Kristina had over a 4.0. Huh? 4.0 is the highest on the academic grade scale unless theres something Im not aware of

Matt is beyond selfish

Not really and you are missing his point by only focusing on Starr. Jack nearly killed Vimal and Rama and Todd covered for him. Jack wasnt acting out of grief then. The arson was premeditated and intentional. I guess it is different in that Todd used that to blackmail him with

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Who? The only ones that seem to come remotely close are Carly and Heather. Heather is more of a psychopath and Carly is weak sauce. Overall the women on GH are weak and no real threat. It could use a strong confident woman who stirs things up and causes trouble. Sadly there is no such one to be found, except psychotic Heather but it would be nice to see a sane bitch, making sh-t happen

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Looks like you and I have a different understanding of what a 'bitch' is, as I follow the textbook definition of the term - "a malicious, unpleasant, and selfish person."

A strong and confident woman would be the opposite of that - all the more reason why such a character is non-existent on this show.

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There is room for a strong confident, sh-t stirrer on this show who can also be malicious, unpleasant and selfish, but unfortuantely we wont be getting it from this regime. Think Alexis Carrington, whom was all of the above or an Amanda Woodward type. GH, well daytime in general used to have amazing soap bitches who kept things interesting while causing trouble. Now all we are left with are weak sauce imitations who are barely a threat. Does anyone take the likes of Carly, Olivia Kate/Connie or whatever the heck she is, etc... seriusly. All are jokes who are laughed at by other characters, dont really scheme (or come up with intelligent plots which make sense). Shriek , yell and hurl insults. Thats it for this show. The classic soap bitch is not to be found over here

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I just have to laugh that he never mentioned her in ten years on OLTL. He dumped his child without a second thought, he dumped all kinds of women without a second thought, he never cares about mentioning any of his family. The only reason he suddenly cares about her is so that Easton can do his Mick Jagger impersonation for a "feud" with Sonny which will go nowhere.

The only thing I ever remember in his scenes with PodAnna is that hideous thing on her head.

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I know right? It is inplausible that he'd never tell Michael about this sister. Once he found, did he honestly think he;d be able to keep her a secret forever? She died soon after so its a moot point now. And it doesnt even sound like Sonny killed her or was directly involved in her death. More like she died just by being in that lifestyle. This story is awful

When I first turned the show on, I was in the kitchen getting some dinner and heart Anna talking about her commish job and Mac and Felciia's voices and thought finally they are all interacting with each other. When I got back to my screen, I saw her with John and those two in a different scene

As for John, well he explained why he never mentioned it on OLTL. It was lame, but it made sense

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