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Unpopular Opinions: 2012 Edition

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I think the lack of shootings and such is more about lack of budget than a deliberate decision to move away from it. Wolf didn't really do anything like shootings and such. I think when people say mob they mean the endless repetitive stories for the same 3 people. 15 years nonstop on the FB is enough.

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Well, maybe they were just treated with more respect by the writers than the PCPD, I dunno.

But yes, even with the argument that trial stuff on TV can't go on forever, I've always heard people say that RC's law stories leave a lot to be desired.

Here's three soap theme song UOs:

1. The ATWT 1993-1999 theme song? Love it.

2. The Y&R porn theme? Love it too. (Why do they still use it on the bumpers years later? That confuses me.)

3. The GL Disco theme? Yep. (ditto the 1996 jazz version of Hold on to Love)

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John's reasons for disliking the mob mostly just amount to a dead sister, and he has little problem hanging around a longtime mob moll. As always most of the anti-mob talk is on the surface and the mobsters have done little in way of actual crimes, according to the show.

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Ida. On sites like DC yes because they are cheerleaders but I don't see overall gushing for them like you had with them on OLTL.

And I know this is unpopular but structurally I think bob Guza was a better writer. I felt he knew for the most part how to build and craft a story and he was actually more effective under Better leadership like Wendy Riche. He just never should have had any creative control over the show. I think Carlivati has a lot of problems with story primarily letting them Peter out and not playing climaxes and fallout well.

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