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GH: Actress not returning

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I figured she was under a 13 week contract and when it expired they thought Storms would be back very soon. On March 23rd and March 30th, Lilley is either the last contract actor or the first guest star, so I am not sure of her exact status anymore (her name appears after Easton and before Hughes both weeks.)

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I don't expect to see her anytime soon. She looked horrible in that photo she tweeted awhile back and she's obviously been struggling with addiction and disorder issues for a few years now. There's a difference in looks between natural skinny and trying very hard to be skinny. She needs to stay away and focus on her health.

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ITA. And It's a little odd for endo surgery recovery to be taking this long as the average recoving time is 3 months. It's not like she hasn't been obviously not naturally thin before this endo business and the girl's had a DUI in the past. It's also not unlikely for for someone who grew up in the business to battle addiction problems.

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I've known plenty of women with bad cases endometriosis, my own mother and one of my good friends included. My friend also dealt with infertility, and the fertility drugs she took to try to conceive made her endo even worse. I've had friends who've had multiple laparoscopic surgeries for endo as well, and NO ONE was on medical leave for 8 months. Not even remotely close.

People are speculating on WHAT ELSE is going on in her life beyond endo because the "official" story doesn't make sense. I realize that whatever is going on is really none of our business, but the secrecy just spurs people to speculate more.

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Ellebelle my mom has endo and she was off work for a YEAR because of it once. It does happen. I just cant believe some ppl love to gossip. Those are probably the same ones going on KS twitter and attacking her and telling her she doesnt have Endo. She's a druggie. Its disgusting.

Maybe GH has let KS out of her contract now and she is just getting healthy. Maybe Jen has the role fully now.

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I couldn't agree more and still have no clue as to why folks are tiptoeing around this (or why the soap opera industry and culture still acts as if this is 1950s Hollywood and fans/viewers can't accept unpleasant truths, for that matter).

I didn't see the photo, but I'm not surprised to hear that she's still dealing with drug addiction and an ED. From her Tweeted words, she seemed as if she was still in denial about the reason why she was sidelined from that show and it's unfortunate to see - and I'm no fan of the girl and much prefer her replacement

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Sean Kanan got fired from GH because of his addiction issues and one thing I admire about him is that he openly discusses it. He openly admits he's struggled with drugs and alcohol problems over the years, openly admitted he used to live the whole playboy lifestyle completely with threesomes and I'm glad he's open about it. It's important to speak up about these topics. I don't think KS has ever even said anythnig about her DUI besides no contest.

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But It is not easy to face addiction, much less admit it to the world. Also, KS is still young. She must still have hope to have a career outside of the soaps and would not want to compromise that by admitting to an addiction or anorexia..

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