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GL on DVD!


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If we could get German releases that would be region free and work everywhere, I would consider paying the extra shipping if episodes aren't available at all in the US except of course if it was illegal to send them to the US. There are some DVDs that are sold in the US that say for US and Canada only. The menu in German would not be a big deal at least to me. I'd muddle through it or ask for help from one of the fluent German speakers I know IRL.

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So what's the deal with the B&B DVDs being released? Maybe we should have a separate thread so this doesn't get clogged up with B&B talk? So can anyone in the US buy them, legally, and play them? Is it dubbed in German. English? What?

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I don't think the B&B DVDs need their own thread since very few people will buy them since they're only being released overseas. Several countries are releasing B&B sets, but Germany is actually releasing consecutive episodes from the beginning. I mentioned it here because the company's next release is going to be GL in complete consecutive episodes from 1979. And you can legally buy them on Amazon (or ebay, etc.) and the show is in English with English opening credits to my knowledge. Only the DVD menu is in German and so is the cover.

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The B&B releases are region 2, so in the US you would have to have an all region player to get them to work. I could also figure out that it is in both German and English, and under 30 Euros for each set. (no clue on the shipping...)

For some reason, now I want to get an all region DVD player, to see old B&B episodes and the GL ones when they are available. Thanks for this information, will look into it further when I have the chance.

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How long did GL air in Germany? I know the show was somewhat popular in Italy, but I thought it aired on and off in Germany. I wonder what the interest would be for DVD sets there.

Some German opening titles, it seems like they reused the US versions and tailored them, only the early 80's one seems different.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CofV_-G0QXo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mfCvZlgrn-8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Xns2xMBBS1E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here's part of a documentary on the show that aired in Germany in 1990. Too bad there's no English subtitles...:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qECWg5dJhxE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Of course GL isn't confirmed officially, but I don't doubt it. I doubt they'll release many sets, but I'll buy whatever they release. Like with B&B, releasing 25 episodes per set eventually will irritate people. They could easily put 40 on one set since it's a half hour show. But as long as they *do* release them I'll buy it because I'd rather have 100 episodes than nothing. With GL, I don't know how successful it was in Germany so Ican't say how many sets might be produced, but I'd be happy with just one or two considering it'll be different content that whats already available.

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