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AMC and OLTL Canceled! Part 2!

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Its not just about who has the most disoposable income its also tied to agegroups that in theory are still developing brand loyalties and are still in process of making major purchases or their first major automobile and home purchases. Its not the networks deciding which age group is hardest to reach and deemed most valuable its Madison Avenue.

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Every time a new ipod comes out I see nothing but lines of under 50 line up in the street, same goes for video games. I live in NYC the bus in crowded with school kids wearing Uggs, Coach bags, and Dre Beats in their ears all of which comes with a price tag of over $100. As a parent of a college age kid I know exactly where he spends his available money, how he must have the latest fashion, electronic, how he goes to concerts, etc. No, I don't agree that they are spending less, these kids are buying and these companies are making record profits.

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I think just read TV by the Numbers which has a lot of info from Ad Age. Its not just soaps its all shows that are victims to this And the demo discussion has been going on long before they came into doubt related to soaps. If soap fans are somehow discriminated against, then so are fans of many scifi shows that have suffered similarly and shows that have been cancelled over the years that just ran their course.



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But that applies to any TV show. eR was wildly popular with that agegroup for a number of years and ultimately ran its course after it was no longer considered th young hip show. Same with any show that gets cancelled. A show for example like The Simpsons has run for over 20 years, its audience has dwindled but it has amazingly hung onto younger viewers. was it because it started out that way and has maintained those same younger viewers or have they been able to attract new younger viewers. My guess would be some of both. But i think that show is more of an anomaly. And even with that the show was allegedly close to cancellation because it was not making enough money for Fox

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If we as soap fans, regardless if you're a ABC, P&G, NBC and/or CBS fan couldn't "force" those networks to keep Another World, Sunset Beach, Passions, Guiding Light or As The World Turns on the air, why in world would anyone honestly think that we could "force" ABC/PP to just "give" the rights of AMC/OLTL to another network?!

Is there another viable network that actually wants either of those two shows?

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I see what you mean...I guess these days I'm not sure if 18-49 viewers hang on as long. There are these shows like Heroes or Glee which seem to fall out of favor with that group within a year or two.

The comment about young people waiting in line - that doesn't surprise me, since older people are less likely to go through that. Only speaking from what I've seen and read, I think the amount of disposable income for younger people has faded more and more each year.

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That's the whole point. Young people can be more readily influenced by advertising. It doesn't matter how much money you have, if you are set in your ways and are not susceptible to advertising, you are of no use.

If there is anything on planet earth I have faith in, it's that Madison Avenue knows what it's doing when it comes to separating people from their money. If there were more money to be gained from advertising to older people, that is exactly what they would be doing, have no fear.

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Frankly, all these crazy conspiracy theories about PP pulling some con job really make me wince.

Having worked for 3 separate hi-tech startup companies, I've seen plenty of faulty business plans succeed and some good plans fail to gain investors.

On CNBC there are daily reports of good businesses failing to find funding because the 1% are so leery right now of making capital investments in this ailing economy. Whether PP's pitch was viable or not, investors weren't going to bite... not right now.

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I said from the start PP showed no interest in creatively revamping these shows for the long haul. I felt they wanted the built-in soap audience to lure them to their other projects in development.

I wonder about this gov't grant PP rec'd required matching funds from private investors. If that is the case, this is a very bad economic climate to find those funds.

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