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B&B: October Discussion Thread

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IA, Nick and Jackie have been useless ever since Mossimo was shipped off. I'm not sure Beemer is simply not one of "Bell's pets"...I don't think they ever had a purpose for him. I'm forgetting how he was even introduced, but sticking him with Jackie was kind of WTF move.

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Felicia hired him to seduce Donna away from Eric. He actually fell in "love" with Donna and the two almost had an affair when Eric had his stroke but he caught them in bed before they did the deed and Donna chose Eric, leaving Owen in the dust. He dated Bridget for a while before Jackie sexually harassed him at work and those two ended up falling in love and getting married.

Speaking of useless, remember Owen's twin brother that went absoluetly nowhere? Another dropped Bell plot. I cant even remember the twin's name

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I remember when Owen first came on the show tracking down Marcus, I thought there would be some kind of gay SL between the two. laugh.png

Pairing Jackie & Owen may have been an afterthought in Brad Bell's mind, but I really liked them together. Jackie was this cougar with loads of sexual chemistry that only a young 'un like Owen could match. laugh.png LAD is a beautiful lady so it wasn't a huge WTF would Owen fall for Jackie (or Whip for that matter).

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I thought Jacob Young was fantastic as Rick back in the day but... Currently, it still feels like this is JR. Maybe it's the way I'm seeing things and not the way he's playing things? He was in the JR role for 8 years so I'll give him a few more months.

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It's probably a little bit of both. There are definitely instances where I see JR, especially when Rick is lurking (which he's done a lot laugh.png ) and sometimes the smile comes across as a JR smirk and I have to remind myself that Rick actually likes his family and the people he's smiling at and he's not secretly plotting to destroy them.

I'm just waiting for him to get some meaty stuff. I do think BB has been wise to ease him slowly but now I wanna see more.

ETA: I do know plenty of JR fans that doesn't see any JR and would want more JR from Rick. Tricky situation for JY.

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Although I liked him as JR, I always felt Rick was his best fit so it just feels odd to see him and feel that's so JR. IMO, he's doing too much of JR's "you're a dumb bitch" face and tone. I see him trying to pull that back during scenes and I think he'll eventually be able to do it.

I think B&B also needs to be careful with how they write him and the slow ride in is a good start but maybe not so much the other things like lurking. I like Rick how Jacob played him and how they wrote for Jacob's Rick back in the day. I hope they don't intend to make Rick a drunk or incredibly snarky due to JR becoming more of Jacob's defining role.

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I wouldn't be surprised if down the road they would turn Rick into alcoholic or take him down a dark path because of JY's JR. KL's Rick took a pretty dark turn and I see that they are trying to pull away from that now and JY has said so as well in interviews but a part of me wonders how long that's really gonna last.

I'm torn quite frankly. As much as I enjoy JY playing the good boy, I enjoy him so much more playing the bad boy although JR was probably the extreme of extremes.

It's really hard to judge who Rick is now when all he's doing is holding Hope's hand and asking people how they are doing. I've definitely enjoyed the Rick and Hope scenes the most. They got great chemwink.png

JMW looked gorgeous today. Too bad she was stuck in that black hole of a storyline.

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