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Classic AMC/OLTL

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Simone was before Dixie. Dixie was a January death I believe and Simone and Erin were in December. Simone wasn't the first victim? She might have been. Simone, Erin, attempt on Danielle, attempt on Dixie, attempt on Babe. Dixie (who was dead at the timr) and the double funeral with an undead woman, sigh, lol. Oh McTavish.

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I didn't realize Livia was still on at this time. The scene where she needled Derek about his big sister beating him in court made me smile. It sucks that they didn't do more with her.

They seemed to kill a lot people off within a few months' time. Was the serial killer story some fast network mandate?

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It might have been as Frons did appear to do mandates and it was hard to miss things being done in pairs or trips. Was OLTL or GH doing a serial killer around the same time?

I think McTavish was just trying to get the ratings up fast because the ratings tanked hard during the fake affair, Madden story.

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I watched a few scenes of the OLTL episodes being rebroadcast, and it's very embarrassing the way so many people, even people who have little reason to care THAT much, like Dorian or Carlotta, have to get so distraught over John's death. The worship for this man is baffling.

I wish I didn't miss Patricia Mauceri.

Robin Strasser's performances seem much more controlled and strong here, even with rotgut writing. I always enjoy watching Robin but I wish they'd had her tone it down a little in the last few years.

If I'd been watching more often at the time I would have loathed Adrianna. She's just so unpleasant, and her trained monkey is always right behind her.

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I'm watching the latest "classic" episode of AMC and literally cannot believe my eyes. I CANNOT deal with the WTFery going on in the way the show was taped!! It's seriously worse than I remember. The angles everyone is being shot at & the way the camera is moving all the time - AWFUL! I just saw the scene where Kendall stormed out of the house from Zach - WTH was with that shot of her from behind?? That was just...off. LOL. What a mess!

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Thanks, wow I always thought the FilmLook was anything from beginning of 2008 to Feb 2010. Guess I was wrong lol but right now the way the show looks in these 2006 episodes looks WAY different to me than how it did in 2008. Was there an upgraded FilmLook? LOL I am so confused on this. I really didn't pay attention to production values then as much as I do now ;-P

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Livia was really wasted when McT brought her back--I don't fully blame McT, it was great to have her back, but something seemed to forbid them giving her much to do (of course a recast Jamal did come and helped introduce Annie, and I believe Tom was mentioned but never made a cameo). For a while she was back on contract (I believe she was brought on as the surprise new lawyer to represent Kendall in the Michael Cambias murder? Or was it later), but I think by 2009 they just used her as a lawyer, basically.

The serial killer story was I'm sure at least suggested by Frons--OLTL had just had several it seemed, and ratings were sinking. It might have been seen as a way to clean up the canvas too, I liked Erin, LOVED Simone, etc, but there did seem to be too many women with no story.

Simone and Tad were cute and fun, I thought, but it never really was serious--though Simone seemed to want more.

Angela, who was the double funeral for?

Was Zarf/Zooey or whatever an almost victim? Really near the end of the Satin Slayer story I honestly felt like McTavish had fallen asleep or left--and soon after her name was off the credits (there was no headwriter for a while around May 2007, listed).

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Again, wasn't it also Frons being mad with Cady's public outcry about Brooke's disappearance? (was her last appearance Christmas 2006?)

I totally agree with you re McTavish. I think too she's too eager to please--the way she did with JFP at OLTL (and probably GH) when the story wasn't much different from when JFP was doign her own HW, and I have no doubt the rumours of McTavish working overboard to come up with stories to please Frons was true--she needs control but I agree with you on her strengths when it came to AMC.

The shaky camera stuff seemed to happen in spurts--maybe it was just a few directors, but after a bit they forgot about it and the film look didn't bother me so much without that camerawork. But, again it, baffles me why, after some initial troubles, The City in '96/'97 used the film look and handheld cameras much better than AMC's brief periods of attempt (then again they used them better than Guiding Light later too...)

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I think that's why even with things liek the unabortion, Pratt was ultimately (even with his decent to good early months) far more detrimental to AMC. All of that stuff, so essential to daytime soaps but particularly to AMC, was gutted under him. I would love a team up of Broderick and McTavish, but yeah, I don't see it happening. Then again I never fulled bought the belief of those who detested McTavish that Agnes Nixon had a personal hatred for her. Clearly Wisner Washam did--but Agnes was according to Minshew a regular at story meetings during McTavish's last run, and her and Susan Lucci both seemed at first, anyway, pleased with McTavish's rehiring.

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