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Classic AMC/OLTL

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I also wonder how that OPP story ever got on the air. I haven't even watched most of it so maybe I missed some gems, but just the scenes of Adrianna doubting Rex's amazing instincts and Rex's "outing" of Tate are puerile writing.

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LMAO. Seems intentional.

Just watched last night's episode.

I don't know how I feel about seeing Clint and Dorian getting it on.

Did Miles siphon Marty's gas tank and how the hell did he learned to do that? Did he watch a few episodes of The Beverly Hillbillies while in the institution? (Jed siphoning gas tanks. LOL) And, then him setting her up. Yet, she still ran to McBain. That was a true 'FML' moment (Raise your hand if you know what FML means)

Antonio telling Cris that he's 'Not his brother' cause he didn't tell him about Nash/Jessica That was COLD.

Next up on my OLTL watch list. More crap with the highschoolers. UGH.

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I'm so glad I've managed to catch some of these, I really wish I'd been on top of it from the get go. I have a new found appreciation for Annie and her journey. I needed to see more of this early material to get the full gist. Makes me hate Rylee (*shudders*) even more. BTW, MCE is so pretty, those big brown eyes and those kissable lips. Annie was so annoying and heavily made up when I got back into the show that I kind of saw her looks as plastic and slightly obnoxious. Also a renewed appreciation in how beautiful Alexa Havins is. J.R.'s hair continues to crack me up looking like a wig out of one of the catalogues my mom used to get. He's like wearing the "Shirliece".

I'm seeing a lot of the Ava/Lily stuff for the first time. As much as LR annoys me, moreso IRL than on screen, I have to give it to her that some of her Ava practicing to be Lily stuff was reaching Canary quality of twin work. Krystal and the baby and Jamie, I feel like I missed a huge chunk of relationship stuff, and Josh was on this show a lot longer than I realized. I just seem to remember the bookends of his life in PV.

The jury is still out on Sabine for me. I want to love her on gp given all that REAL Greenlee crap. But she's still very new at this point.

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She looks a lot better on Y&R too. Not sure if you watch that, the brown hair works best for her. The blonde always drowned her face out.

This must have been during mid to late 2007. I remember watching scenes at the Comeback and just thinking everyone looked so beautiful. I don't know if it was make up or lighting or something else but everyone just looked so much better then they usually did.



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Omg I'm 19 episodes behind on classic AMC. I don't think I'll ever catch up at this point. LOL.

The first episode McTavish's name was no longer in the credits and it was just the BDW's was when Jonathan & Ava's little romance started. Ick! What a mistake. I wish they would've gone with Ava/Aidan or Ava/Shawn instead.

I seriously loved LR and her portrayal of Lily and Ava!

Fun note, recently I learned how to do that screen effect TV shows & films use to give the twin/same actor on screen illusion (like with Lily/Ava & Adam/Stuart on AMC) and my instructor displayed an AMC clip (from YouTube) as an example. It was one of Adam & Stuart from 2003. I was all proud & holding my excitement in. LOL

IMO Sabine was AWFUL in the first few months! And I hated that stupid guitar melody they played for Greenlee in EVERY scene she was in before she got back to PV.

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I think she was great in her first few months. She really owned the bitchiness of Greenlee and she suffered in the character when they softened her and made her just another generic blonde

I cant even remember her theme. You got a clip of that?

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I believe it's this:<br> <br> <object width="480" height="360"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lygKRTM0zPE?version=3&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lygKRTM0zPE?version=3&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lygKRTM0zPE?version=3&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="360" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

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