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Classic AMC/OLTL

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I'm not completely caught up yet, still on Thursdays, but I was hoping I would see how and why she was in a coma. I remember wathing the scenes where they took her off life support and I hate to say it but it didn't mean that much to me at the time because I hadn't watched when she was on. Now that I've been watching the classic eppisodes I'm really upset that they let a great character go without much of a goodbye. I really like her. Now I understand why people were upset at the time when they pulled her off life support.

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Meh. I liked her.

Watching last night's episodes right now. Loving the Jess/Antonio stuff. Even though it's a temp Antonio. He isn't that bad.

As for other things.

Not liking the high school crap as always. Though, it was the first episode with Markko in it.

Also, I'm realizing more and more that they never should have sacrificed Miles on the alter of St. Marty. Especially since she chose McBain over him.

And, I am missing Victor! :(

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I couldnt stand her, overrated cow. I thought she was good at first and saw some chemistry between she and RH's Todd, but she went completely downhill when she cheated on RJ with John and then flipped it around to make RJ look like the bad guy in the situation. I was so over the bitch by this point

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The whole situation with Nash camped out in the waiting room with the POWER OF LOVE while Jessica whimpers in the hospital room just seems annoying. Was there any real reason to keep dragging it out? Why not just have Antonio/Jessica done by that point?

Then you have Dorian trying to help Nash through the power of love, or the power of Clint, or both. Weird, since a year later half the town would be screaming that she'd killed him.

I don't think the writing for Dorian is all that bad at this time (certainly not worse than most of the last few years of the character) but I was annoyed when Clint ordered her to stop hectoring Miles, and she did, meekly.

I also like that Viki is freezing Clint out at this time.

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