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Classic AMC/OLTL

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Mercifully they didn't show much - them kissing and the two of them tearing at his tie and ripping open his shirt (no aging man flesh was shown) before he carried her into the bedroom. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9FCTkuAno8o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> It's toward the end of this episode. Sadly, I think this was the "best" kiss Erica and Jeff had in his whole 2006-2007 run.

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We didn't see any afterglow or anything like that. Bianca came by the next morning, and Erica was in her robe. Bianca saw Jeff's jacket and told him he could come out. He came out in a robe, looking all sheepish as he took his jacket and went to get dressed. It must not have been all that good because she broke it off with him a few weeks later and wanted to work things out with Jack. That led to Jack and Erica's "new divorce" reality show, which I actually enjoyed because it was kind of funny.

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I watched last weeks OLTL over the weekend. I didn't start watching OLTL until the summer of 08. I know everyone hates the rapemance but I credit that to why I tuned into OLTL. I was so curious as to what everyone was talking about and why everyone was so fired up. I fell in love with the soap then. Not necessarily the story although I didn't have a strong opinion since I was a new viewer.

Anyway back to last weeks shows. Can someone fill me in on how Jenn died? Lindsey and Viki were talking about losing their kids and I know Megan died from Lupus and they mentioned that and I saw the NY day marathon but I still don't know how/why Jen died.

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Jenn died because of Daniel, Nora's gay husband. He needed to kill her because she knew his secret during election time so he suffocated her with a plastic bag and made it look like a the work of the serial killer that was in Llanview at that time. I always hated that they killed her off. Jenn had so much story within her and she was also a perfect rival to Natalie, and an interesting love interest for Rex back when he was tolerable.

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Some stuff I really didn't hate Higley for. I saw more drama and less camp out of the last week of episodes on SN. Than in the last few months of episodes on ABC.

Higley was good at the drama. RC was all about the campy cheesy stuff. Especially with Rex/Gigi. Ugh.

Not to say that I didn't like Ron. But, come on. Nora in an exploding house! Vic and Vange making out in an elevator after he sees 'the spector of Spencer' and Jess (Who RC could not write anything decent for) and Nash almost going at it behind Antonio's back. I love it.

Also. Miles is on now! Squee! I loved Miles when I first started watching in late 07.

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Yeah I know a lot of fans didn't like her because she got tons of airtime when she first came on, and she was obviously a villainous kind of character, but that's what I thought made her interesting. I liked her with pretty much everyone they put her with I think she had chemistry with everyone - Christian, Al, Riley, Joey and Rex. I think she would have been a good character to balance out the show in it's last years, especially with the Todd domination that happened just after she died. Like I said before I would have loved to see her and Natalie square off, one of the worst things they did to Natalie's character was dim her fiery temper.

I didn't see the whole scene but I saw bits and pieces of it and I would have to agree. It was like watching a snuff film, especially because you saw the life drain right out of her because we saw the suffocation onscreen.

The worst thing they ever did for Josh's character was making him Zach's wingman. It still disgusts me that it's seen as a romantic gesture by that fanbase. Kendell needed a heart, go kill her nearest blood relative stat! What was worse was that Kendell didn't even care afterwards. Regardless Josh was a pretty pointless character anyway once Megan left. Once Megan was fired Josh stood no chance. Along with the rest of her creations.

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I only came in during her love triangle with Christian and Natalie and I liked her a lot actually. Even when she was scheming to keep him. I didn't think she was a bad actress from what I remember of her. She was entitled, preppy, a rich bitch princess type but I thought that was pretty much what the character needed to be.

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