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Dancing With the Stars: Season 13

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SO HAPPY that JR and Karina won! She definitely deserved to finally win. I really liked her this season. I was never much of a fan, she was SO arrogant and bitchy early on in DWTS. Basically the female Maks, but without the charisma and charm. She's definitely a different person and it's nice to see it.

I wasn't a big fan of Ricki's in the beginning. She was always good but something about her just rubbed me the wrong way. Then, I really started liking her and rooting for her and her passion for the show was really nice to see. I also really liked Derek again. Boy just needs to come out of the closet along with Mark. You know they're secretly in love with each other. I've read many think Derek is arrogant and entitled but I've always gotten that vibe from Mark. Anyway ...

Rob improved tremendously. He did really well. Shocked the hell out of me. I never thought I'd like him. I did. I also saw a different side to his family in the audience. I always saw Kris as this hard-ass money machine shoving her children in the spotlight. She still is that person but to see her in tears over Rob was really touching to see. And to see his sisters so excited over his scores was also very nice. However, could Kourtney's man Scott look any less bored than he has been all season? Their kid is cute as hell though.

I loved seeing Chynna redeem herself. Everyone acted SO stunned that Kristin Cavallari got the boot but I was more shocked to see Chynna go. She was very good, right from the start.

I think it was a good season, at the end of the day, and to me, one of the better casts, despite the WTF voting (Chaz should have gone much earlier). I don't know why the cast didn't seem to garner bigger ratings. They had such a diverse cast. Guess middle America isn't into diverse.

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I'm so proud JR won!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin.png Where's Marceline? biggrin.png

I thought with the Kardashian sisters having something like 12 million followers or more between the 3 of them on twitter that would give Rob the advantage for sure

Chynna was so much better than Ricki & Rob and should have been in the finale before either of those two

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Very happy for JR. I wasn't that into this season but I am glad someone with such passion won, and he won on merit, even if he was too injured to compete the last few weeks.

Everyone was very gracious, so kudos to them.

They're too busy being in love with themselves.

I don't think Derek cared that much by the end - it was sort of autopilot.

Call me cynical but I thought the tears moment from Kris was a little staged.

She was too nervous (and too thin) for the show. When she forgot her whole routine and got great scores I wondered if she would go home, because the judges sort of unintentionally set her up.

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Cheryl hasn't seemed too into it until about this last week. Derek kind of checked out as well. I think they just need breaks. Derek at least took a season off. Even Maks seemed annoyed all season and he BEGGED to be paired with Hope. I think it's just burn out. I really like the pros we have but we need some fresh blood. They need to better rotate the pros in order to get some new ones to take over. Derek, Cheryl, Mark, Maks, Tony aren't going to do this forever. How many times can Maks and Tony lose before they finally move on? (much like the fantastic Edyta did, and I think Jonathan has moved on. Louis comes and goes, which keeps him fresh, IMO)

I really hope they bring back Tristan. I liked him a lot.

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Cheryl has so many businesses and she's probably just there because it helps keep her money going and the exposure helps too. The show desperately needs new blood. I think they need to dump Carrie Ann, and I'd also get rid of all the pros but Anna, Kym, Tristan, maybe Karina.

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I like this part:

Karina Smirnoff, Martinez's pro partner, who scored her first big win and completely softened her tough cookie, tough Russian image. She has always been a spectacular dancer. But being around an Iraqi war vet humbled her and left her in awe. "He makes me want to be a better person," says Smirnoff. "When something is going on in my life and I don't know what to do, I now think, 'What would J.R. do?'

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They were all on the View with Justin Bieber too....lol. A good show. Rob does have a big ass....thats all they talked about....Rob cant dance....lol...he mentioned about being buds with Derek...hmmmmm...is Rob gay?...He really smirked it up when mentioning Derek ....lol

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