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That was part of "murder week" during the 2004 Athens Olympics when the show devoted a whole week to a storyline where the Q's, Heather, the current teens at the time (Georgie, Dillon, Brook Lynn, Lucas, Sage and Trent), Felicia (who was judging who'd get Lila's inheritance), Faith (who was a fugitive at the time and being hidden by Justus), Nikolas (who was also a fugitive and being hidden by Emily after having been rescued from a mental institution that Helena had put him in, due to his amnesia and belief that he was Connor Bishop earlier in the year) were all trapped in the mansion and its grounds during a storm. It was meant to attract viewers from Days of Our Lives, which was on hiatus for the Olympics (and had of course had recently had the Salem Stalker storyline with the Melaswen part still playing out at the time).

Notably, Sonny, Carly and Jason did not appear that week despite having been almost a daily presence for at least the past two years and the whole week was devoted to the murder storyline.

In the end, Sage and Trent were murdered and Mary Bishop - the real Connor Bishop's "widow" (because Connor later turned out to be alive) was the killer.

Yes, in 2007 John was in a hit and run and presumed dead, then came back with the robotic personality which lasted until Drake and Deidre were let go in 2009.

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I remember being upset Sage died.   I know the character was universally reviled, but I actually thought the she had potential.  Sage at least shook that teen scene up a bit.  Then to be brutally murdered the way she was (locked in a freezer and froze to death, IIRC?) seemed so senseless.  In the end, it was probably a way to marginalize Alcazar more and she gets forgotten because then Guza starting killing off more important younger leading ladies.  Sage just could have left town instead and maybe brought back later with a more suitable actress.

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I did too, but I liked the first Sage better than Katie Stuart. She had a unique look. It was a waste. That (and Kristina I, I guess) was definitely the precursor to the Guza II regime killing off any young woman in range.

Edited by Vee
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I preferred the first one as well.  I know the actress was green, but Katie Stuart certainly wasn't a master actress either and didn't look the part.

I forgot about Kristina I.  So senseless to kill her off.  I know she wasn't popular, but she didn't have to be brutally killed either.  She was just a nice person and didn't harm anyone.

It's so very Guza in that era to bend over backwards to create female characters with these familial ties and insert them into the canvas only to lose interest after a year or so and kill them off.   Look at Courtney!

I will say there were a lot of young men killed off in that era as well.  Logan, Maxie's boyfriends, Cooper, Diego etc.  They all tend to blur together to me, but it had to be at least 4 young guys that were killed in quick succession.

I am not saying all or even most of the characters were a loss.  It's just a lot of senseless violence and a lot of it was non-mob based.  

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Very true. It was (sometimes) an equal opportunity body count, whereas FV often struggles to get rid of anyone.

That said I don't think Guza ever had much use for Courtney, who he inherited from JFP. I think he tolerated her presence for Frons and Chuck Pratt until the arrival of Kelly Monaco and Jason/Sam taking off meant he no longer had to.

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Oh, you know I didn't shed a tear over the loss of Courtney.  I just thought it was a bit senseless to kill her off.  Just put her in a coma like Lulu because you might need her at some point.  She had enough connections to be viable later on perhaps with a different actress or something.

Anyhow, Georgie and Emily were much bigger losses.  It just feels mean spirited to kill a character off that just had a new baby lol.

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Guza didn't create Courtney and Kristina, though.  They came along during the JFP/Megan McTavish era, when it seemed like everyone on GH suddenly had a long-lost sister, lol.

Granted, I wasn't watching GH regularly back then, but the second and third Guza eras just seemed so nihilistic to me.  It was as if GH was becoming TV's first daily snuff film.

That's that Olive Garden mentality kicking in ("When you're here, you're family!").

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@Dion Thanks for the extra details. I'm not sure why I tried to watch some of that week and not others at the time. Maybe I just wanted to see Robin Mattson again.

@Khan That's how I'd describe Guza's second run as well.

Emily is one of those characters who offered little to nothing of value herself but did serve as a positive presence for the Quartermaines, or could have anyway. That is the aspect which made her death hard to take after all their other losses. I never really bought her relationship with Nikolas - or any Nikolas relationship, to be honest. 

Georgie's murder will always be the most senseless and seemed based more on the actress not being the right "type" for the people at GH/ABC.

Edited by DRW50
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