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I thought I was the only one who hated Skye on GH. I usually see such praise of her. I was only half watching when she first showed up in PC. But she seemed totally out of place. It didn’t fit with her long established backstory on AMC. Nor did it work with Q history on GH

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I have always thought disliking Skye was a minority opinion as well and it probably still is.  For years I would go on boards or around the web and hear how robbed RC was of an emmy and how Skye deserved all the stories and how amazing she was lol.  This is the first board where I have seen posters articulate the way I feel about Skye and RC.  I had never heard RC was a bad fit on AW until this board either.   The thing is no matter how lovely or great RC is she didn't work on GH or OLTL.  Anyway, now you know you have a safe place to hate Skye here with myself, @Vee and @Darn lol.

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I never saw AW when it aired but in watching scenes between Linda Dano and Alicia Coppola's Lorna versus LD and RC's Lorna it's immediately apparent how bad of a fit she was. LD and AC just had something electric. Lightning in a bottle type of chemistry.

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I like Robin Christopher as an actress, I always have even when her performances were sometimes very rote or limited. And even though my first experience with Skye was Carrie Genzel's in the mid-'90s the character has always fascinated me. I was pleased when they announced she was returning to ABC. I was not pleased when it turned out to be on OLTL and GH. They shoehorned her into both shows roughly and extremely insistently for many years and I never liked it. Even with actors she had chemistry with at OLTL, like Erika Slezak, James DePaiva, Tim Gibbs, the story didn't work.

In the 2000s Robin often became kind of a figure of camp onscreen, all sneers and posturing that got very old to watch IMO on GH and OLTL with her camping across the canvas as the queen bitch. She can do a lot more than that; she is talented but too often either the writing or the lack of time for nuanced performance had her leaning on those easy tricks. Like, GH would have a good scene and then you'd cut to Skye vamping it like RuPaul's Drag Race intoning "Grandfatherrrr" to Edward Quartermaine. Some people loved it, I didn't. And it seems AW had similar issues with her being out of place. I have no idea why she never went back to AMC (there were always rumors it was her own preference not to) but she should've. I kept hoping she would all the way to 2013 on Hulu where she would've fit like a glove with the other Chandler kids scheming against Brooke and Dimitri. I wouldn't have a problem seeing Skye and Lila Rae appear on GH today, with Skye in a limited recurring role mixing it up. But I'm very glad the days of JFP insisting that Robin Christopher fits onto any soap and must be pushed 24-7 are over. RC is just not built for that.

Edited by Vee
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I can't recall watching either Lorna with LD because I didn't watch much AW either.  Only the last few minutes before Days started back in the day, so I have no frame of reference.  Through soap mags and propaganda, I just assume RC/LD were great together because ABC made them a mother/daughter duo again.  I was surprised to find out that wasn't exactly the case and a lot of people didn't like RC's take on Lorna.  

Carrie Genzel was my first experience with Skye as well and I liked her a lot.  It's a bit difficult to reconcile her portrayal and RC's though.

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Lol!  At least I can talk about how much I hate Carly and Crystal Chappell again without fear of several hundred posts telling me why she's amazing!

Like I said upthread, I do think RC's a good actress too.  I just don't think she had any standout material except for her 2002-2003 stuff on GH.

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I just felt it necessary to say calling one’s father Daddy is completely normal to me. I called my father “Daddy” until the day he died. He was in his 80’s and I was in in my 40’s. I never knew his father, he died before I was born. But when my father referred to his father he always called him “Daddy”!   People calling their father daddy throughout their lives is normal! I never thought of “Daddy” being a sexual term until fairly recently from people on the internet! 

Edited by Kristin
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Not to get off topic but they're amazing together.

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Sure, it's normal if you've called him that you're whole life. It's not normal when you're 40 and met him only a few months ago and also already have a father.

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Wow!  Thanks!  That was excellent.  I have really liked LD in clips I have seen especially relating to her alcoholism.  I guess it just didn't translate that well to ABC soaps lol.

@KristinI personally never knew how many people used the phrase 'daddy' as adults to their parents or how strongly people felt about it until I mentioned it on here that I didn't like it.  I literally thought it was a phrase used on tv way more than in real life until others corrected me and said it was very normal and common.  It's still weird Skye said it to Alan for a lot of reasons mostly because it happened so quickly after she found out, but it's not near the top of my list as to why I can't stand her.

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I did enjoy RC on GH, but in hindsight it had more to do with just enjoying anything that wasn’t Sonny/Carly/Jason.  I think she would have fit really well on a Bell show, she has that chilly demeanor that worked well on Y&R.

CG was my first Skye as well, and I really enjoyed her on AMC.

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