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Ive always remembered that cover but never seen the mag. Thanks for the pics. Was that Katherine popular as a character and/or with Robert? I dont remember her but read about her in his bio. How long was she and and why did she leave? I dont know why they created another unrelated Katherine so soon after she left

Hugo Napier looks like Bob S Woods in that pic

Edited by Cheap21
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She was on for about a year and a half or two years. I'm not sure if she was a big fan favorite but I think they were popular - a lot of fans never wanted Anna/Robert together and preferred him with Katherine (or Holly) and Anna with Duke.

She left when Robert turned down her marriage proposal.




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Is it safe to say that Robert Scorpio is the most successful GH leading man of all time? (This isn't a declaration, but an honest question.)

I ask because it seems that he is the only male whose pairings were all hits - so much so that each sector of Robert fandom will fight to the death (even 25+ years later) over which pairing was his best and actually have a leg to stand on.

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How long did Robert/Cheryl last? My impression of Robert was that he was a one-woman man whose relationships lasted a good while (well, at least in soap time).

As for Luke? I can't agree with that because I honestly don't believe that any of his non-Laura relationships ever came close to touching what he had with Laura (from what I've seen). Robert, from what I've seen, has had great chemistry with all of the women that I've seen him with. As much hoopla as Luke received as a leading man, I honestly think that Robert trumps him when it comes to having the great romances.

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Luke and Laura were iconic, so it's not quite the same scale as Robert. Luke had fairly popular relationships with Holly (the first time around) and Tracy. His relationship with Felicia had some popularity before the show botched it. I think the only woman he was really really unpopular with was Jackie Templeton.

Robert and Holly were very popular. Robert and Anna were very polarizing, and were only a couple for about a year, onscreen, I believe. Robert and Katherine seemed popular but I guess not the test of time. He was with Tiffany but I don't know how received that relationship was.

Cheryl and Robert weren't together that long - I think they broke up because of her secrets (she'd been involved with Victor Jerome). The character was written in and out and in and out, and was not very popular. Even the actress disliked her role and felt like she was being conned by the show as they sort of treated her as a yo-yo.

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Luke/Holly were popular? I was under the impression that viewers were resentful of her because she wasn't Laura and that she didn't really start to take off as a character until she and Robert entered each other's orbit. As for Felicia, I guess I am in a minority because that whole idea was just a ball of suck.

(Was it Jackie herself that wasn't popular or the fact that she wasn't Laura?)

Robert was with Tiffany? Was this before Sean or during a break? (I vaguely remember Sean and Tiffany, as I started watching during their last year or two.)

Thanks for the background on Robert and Cheryl.

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I don't think Luke and Holly were a big big couple but they were popular, just not on the level of Robert/Holly. Geary claimed that most of the audience anger went towards Jackie.

I think Jackie suffered from not being Laura, and Demi Moore being very abrasive in the role.

When Tiffany was on the show in the early 80's, and Robert was first around, the characters were lovers. I'm not sure but I think I read that Rogers and Wyatt did not get along. This was all before Sean.

Cheryl's main contribution to the show was invisible gay Lucas, and the Bobbie/Tiffany custody battle that some felt kept GH from sinking in 1992.

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Would Jackie had taken off if she'd have been recast following Demi Moore's departure? Or was her character such a dud that she was better off being the distant memory that she became?

I didn't even know that Tiffany was on that long. (I just assumed that she came around the same time as Lucy Coe in the mid-80s)

I'd ask how Lucas' coming out was depicted on this show, but your reference to him as Invisible Gay says it all. Such a shame because I honestly believe that if his young adult character was around 5-7 years before that he'd have gotten a decent (and visible) storyline. SMH

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I'm not sure if recasting would have made a difference. The character had no real ties to Port Charles once her boring sister Laura left.

Tiffany first showed up during the Ice Princess story - she was in the jungle with Robert, Luke, Laura, etc. She was an actress, and romancing Victor Cassadine at the time, I think. Then she stayed around for a few years until Sharon Wyatt left. Sharon returned a few years later.

I think Lucas' story was seen for six months or somewhere around that. He came out, Bobbie had some issues, Tony died after a tearful scene with Lucas, Lucas was gay-bashed, he went out on a few dates (offcamera I think), he disappeared.

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