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Sunset Beach I'd consider for the most part a creative success, and I think I'd credit that mostly to Tomlin. But for the most part his skills reside in directing.

If Tomlin signs on, it would be really ironic since there were rumors that the reason both him and Chris Goutman left around the same time was because they each expected to get the EP job when Behr left and were both angry to have been passed over in favor of Francesca James.

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As with Days, I will give him (and Whitesell I guess) that OLTL also improved for several months under them but by the fall of 2002 that show was the worst it has ever been IMO (even compared to Higley's run).

He brings on way too many young "hot" talent-less newbies (at AMC I'm sure he would be handing out contracts left and right to ConFusion bartender dayplayers) and seems to have a complete aversion to his stories and shows having any emotional depth.

I don't want to be totally negative so... he does also tend to bring back a couple of popular veterans when he starts at a show, and some of his friends would be good AMC scriptwriters (ex. Richard Culliton, David Levinson).

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rolleyes.gif Excuse me you and that other *person* don't speak for me, thanks. I am going by what I am READING, that PP has yet to pull their heads out of their asses and get rolling with AMC.

Some of us choose not to drink every drop of kool-aid some try to sell

I personally don't want TK or AM on AMC online, heck I don't even want Lucci on it

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One step closer to my gut instinct being on the money. :)

Out of all the names you could've chose, you chose Enza Dolce, who's highest position has been Associate Director and who mainly does location shoots? LOL

I think there's still a great chance for Lorraine to stay with AMC since she's tight with Tomlin.

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