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I'll take it with a grain of salt--wasn't he one of the ones going on about how AMC had been "back burnered" indefinitely, etc, etc? He probably just assumes after GMA that Cam is coming and that means Rebecca too. I refuse to complain about PP focusing on Rylee, etc, etc, at this point--it seems like Jamey is just trying to rile up his fans who largely seem to be the ones who were thrilled when he warned about AMC being the ABC soap that would be canceled, etc.

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You know, while I bet she was more disappointed than she has said--she really has not complained all that much at all. She did ONE interview where she said she thought Greens should have left with Leo (which is something most fans also have said) BUT that she liked working with Ryan. That's essentially it. I'm not gonna start worrying about what interviews she MIGHT say IF she ends up on AMC on PP *and* the focus is still on her and Ryan at this point.

D'oh, you're right--thought you meant the show. Though maybe they'll have some cameos--then again it's expensive for ABC to fly in all those names ;)

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Fair enough, but that makes me doubt this source even more--why does he now know who are shoe ins when before all he had heard was the rumour from Deadline that it was on the back burner? Where was his source for this news, back then?

Anyway, Vee is spot on (as others have said)--to get worried about this at this point is pointless.

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You're right. Complaining wasn't the right word. But it has been true that every time she leaves the show she talks about how disappointed she is that Greenlee became a shell of the fun character she originated, then she inevitably returns saying that she has been promised a return to the old Greenlee....which never happens (or, as in 2010, is short-lived) and the cycle continues.

I actually do think both Ryan and Greenlee could be assets to the online version if they are broken up completely and used to anchor different areas of the canvas. Greenlee is not well served at all being reduced to playing scrappy to Ryan's scooby doo. But the PP guys, coming fresh to this show and seeing all the publicity these two get, have no reason to believe that Rylee aren't the greatest thing ever

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I really do believe that Lucci will be part of the PP venture (even though I wish she would think of herself for once). That's becuase there is just too much pressure (from the fans) for her to decline; if the online version of AMC were to fail (and she was not a part of it), many would blame the failure on her.

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