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You are welcome. I have complete February to August in big files... but they are not cut into episodes. I will upload these files into a different folder into 2005 that i will name "Feb to August ... Uncut..."I also have a lot from Feb to August in different quality that is cut in episodes.these I will add in the normal folders. I will upload everything so you guys can decide what to watch.

I am currently uploading months from 2003... I hope to have time to do the rest today. 

I have 2006 to 2008 in original cbs recordings quality but I think it's pretty similar to the ones we already have so I will just add missing episodes in these years.

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I am so happy you are happy guys. I am starting 2005 right now. Then I'm going to check all the missing 2006 to 2009 list and see what there is in this old old laptop. It crashed like 10 times but I am not giving up. I will upload everything before it dies haha

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What a super weird period on the show. There was something with Amber skiing (taking pictures of Bridget????) and that was the Exit story of Adrienne Frantz after 8 years. wTF!? Then you had the Morgan story which was quickly wrapped up (unfortunately), Sydney Penny got Linda Gray as her mother (this was huge for me!) - and by late April everything changed: Taylor was back! I was in utter shock.

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I was actually most disappointed with The Morgan Story, they also secured Pat Crawley to play her mother (despite a tad too old) and it was all so quicly, also disppointing Linda was in for just a few episodes, she was basically there to disaprove and make Stephanie sound like a saint with what she did to her own daughter, but didn't have any story of her own, 2005 for me is "The Year In Between" it was a mess! And is nearly like it went from being one show to another along the way, also featuring Stephanie's Craziest Moment: Prompting Brooke to Commit Suicide

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By mid 2005 Patrick Mulcahey was hired as a writer and story consultant and we got the dynamite arc of Stephanie faking her heart attack. Gold! And a couple of months later Stephanie kicked Eric in the groin when Stephanie Douglas Trust was revealed - by Katherine Chancellor no less. So much soapy goodness. But the beginning of 2005 was rough.

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It was an EPIC storyline. The writing, directing and acting was all top notch. Stylewise it more like Santa Barbara or GH than B&B because it was tad outlandisher than your average Brad Bell plot. Poor Dr. Mark was thrown under the bus for it - which was the final nail in the coffin for Clarke Garrison as a character with C.J. also being off the canvas and the Spectra exodus looming.

Due to this story, the Stephanie Douglas Trust and Taylor's return 2005 was one of THE most iconic B&B years for me similar to 1993 with the Battle for BeLieF, Sheila/Lauren, Macy's alcolism or 1994 with Taylor's Arabian Nights, the sudden death of Jay Garvin and B&B in concert or 2002 with Brooke giving birth to Hope, Sheila's return as Mrs. Lovejoy, Taylor's second death and Portofino.

I started reading because I was super eager for your assessment but then decided against it to remain the most Spoiler-free I can in my rewatch. It dawned to me that I missed/forgot quite a lot from the first half of 1994, so I will reply at a later date. I just reached September 1993, #1628 and James and Anthony are not yet in town.

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Yes, I was actually going to delay posting it for a while for that very reason (at least until more posters reached the 1994 episodes), but my enthusiasm got the better of me!

I have always loved Anthony's exit storyline because it was so unusually dark and morbid for B&B, and at the same time I remembered that B&B of the mid 90s was pretty crowded with psychos, not all of whom made sense in terms of previous character history (Sly as he was established as a character in 1992 and 1993 would certainly not have done what he did at the end of his run, and Maggie's turn to the dark side was also pretty unexpected). So naturally I was curious when Anthony was introduced which category he would fall into - the "suddenly randomly out of the blue psycho" or the "psycho all along" category. (Of course, in terms of character development and storytelling, the latter is far more satisfying.) Thus my special attention to Anthony's character development, and possible instances of foreshadowing. (#1701 is the biggest one yet.)

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