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I’m up to 1381 – the therapy sessions with Sheila and Jay Garvin are just exquisite. She only gives him half of the Lauren Fenmore story and then is so desperate that she takes his flawed advice.

It’s funny how a huge summer ’92 plot point was Sheila plotting to take over from Judy as l’il Eric’s nanny, but once Brooke and l’il Eric get off the plane from Paris, there’s no mention of daycare for the baby.

Peter Brown is still in the contract credits but hasn’t made one appearance in at least a couple months… he must have been a FOBB (friend of Bill Bell

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I am currently watching February 1991 and the end of Jake's abuse storyline (and I must say the final episodes are very suspenseful!) and I'd really like to hear your reactions to it. I think the show did really well handling an extremely dark and difficult subject.

I'd also like to hear your views on the Julie Delorean subplot. To me, there's just something I don't quite follow regarding Bill Spencer's motivations here. What exactly was his goal in having Julie go after Clarke? Why did he want to finance Julie's business with Clarke? The root of all this was his desire to stop Sally from blackmailing him (or get back at her for doing it?), but from there on I'm having a bit of trouble connecting the dots.

Also, the scenes with Stephanie and Ruthanne (the homeless storyline) are just riveting. But I had to suspend disbelief a bit as to why they didn't manage to clear everything up when they first went to the police (by telling them about Stephanie's car being stolen and her being robbed, and showing them her torn clothes and wedding ring). 

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Will be dropping all 5 episodes of Inside Bold into the Vault early next week (into the ‘behind-the-scenes’ folder).
Note: there are snippets of this documentary on the official YouTube page, however the uncut broadcast contains much more content. Each episode runs for 22 minutes and airs in Australia week of 20 December 2021. 

Edited by AusBoldFan
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Glad that you liked Jake's storyline. It was indeed very poignant. The only weird part was that he was constantly shown shirtless and served the male meat at this time on the show. LOL A big plus was Margo finally having a storyline (that didn't involved a love affair - it was her only proper story)

Bill's motives with Julie were sketchy. At first, he wanted revenge on Sally. Right in the middle of Clarke's affair with Julie, Bill's marriage to Margo tanked more and more and so he wanted into bed with Julie and was therefore willing to do everything for her. That's at least my take on it.

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