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August 1990 - the show is moving through Ridge's grief SO fast, it's somewhat absurd... but I kinda don't care. I mean, it's ridiculous he and Taylor are falling for each other two whole weeks after his wife died but their chemistry is unbelievable. Their scenes sizzle. Compare it to Taylor and Storm... who feel more like siblings... lol

It's exciting that Taylor is finally beginning to feel like the Taylor we later come to know and love.


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Oh god… I was watching BB 2003-2005 lately and Amber making a picture of Ridge and Bridget kissing while nearly freezing to death. Like who came up with that stuff? I know they needed a way to write out Amber but wth was that? They turned her into such a lunatic and cut off nearly all ties there. Thank god for Y&R and redeeming her.

only good thing was to see Amber and Clarke working together. They could’ve done way more with a Clarke and Amber collabo 

one of my favorite B&B storylines was the custody battle between Macy/Deacon against Amber and Rick… It was such a shame how Rick became such a jerk torwards Amber during all of this but I loved Deacon and Macy. 

Amber is such a tragic character:( she deserved better

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Guys sorry for not uploading the promised 2001 2002 episodes earlier. Our building has some kind of problem and the internet doesnt work till they fix it. It happed just as I was about to upload... I mean... Murphys law. I am using my mobile data for internet. As soon as I have a stable internet I will upload.

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Yes... I am really desperate now for my internet to come back...  and will upload ASAP.

Me and my husband are watching 2000 still. We are going a lot slower this time since we both have so much work lately. But I like this year a lot so far. I have finally gotten used to the lower quality dialogue. It was so hard after watching 1987 to 1993. But I have recently started to enjoy the show again but not get too atached to the story like I did in the first classic years. 

One thing I like is how it goes faster...There were moments in 1987 to 1999 where it was SO slow.

But again... sometimes this fast pace ruins everything. Some moments that have potential are given 3 episodes and then we have 10 episodes for dialogue that is re telling what happened. I hate this re-telling and its so Bradley Bell lazy writing. 

Its absurd how 50 plus year old sit all day talking about Amber or CJ. Not realistic at all.

But at least the show looks good and has a fresh energy.

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The whole Taylor&Ridge story until James' arrival is picture perfect super couple storytelling. This couple is fresh and the actors have off-the-charts chemistry. Ridge as the grieving widower is always a super difficult moment for the show because the writers never dared to to the logic step: actually write Ridge off for at least a month. In 1990 he drove off with his bike after Caroline's funeral (which we never got so see which was a HUGE let-down, IMO) and was back in love-story a month later. The show still honored Caroline (the garden scene is soooooo beautiful around the first anniversary of this event!), but in general the pacing was ridiculous in 1990. IMO; the reral stand-out in this time period is Sally/Clarke/Julie. What an amazing storyline!

Yep, it was just tragic and shocking at the same time. Adrienne Franntz was the ultimate Brad Bell pet, yet suddenly he lost interest in her in 2004 and then created this suuuuuper weird Big Bear storyline. I did not like Amber after 2003, but this was just random. Indeed, Amber's time on Y&R was a pleasant surprise. She worked well under all the headwriters there and I never had issue with her. I LOVED Amber & Daniel. Her return to B&B didn't bother me. A redux of a WTD-story and the vansihing act into thin air with Baby Rosey (?) was unneeded and made the whole thing superfluous.  


Agreed! Deacon & Macy were so HOT. And summer 2003 was AMAZING until Brad Bell simply decided to ditch everything that was working. Bringing on Sydney Penny as Samantha, making Brian Gaskill as Ozzy Marone front and center, focussing on Massimo and Jackie (poor Lesley-Anne Down!) and therefore killing all momentum in Rick/Amber/Deacon/Macy was mind-blowing.

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The good old days when the show could afford those big group scenes. I really liked that in 2000 most days on B&B lasted for about 20 episodes. There were so many great climax scenes and moments of must-see-storylines.

Of course it was ridiculous for the 50+ group to be super invested in CJ&Amber, but it was a welcome excuse to pit Susan Flannery against Darlene Conley. Talk about golden moments.

I noticed that, too. I wonder if they just messed up closing credits because NO ONE ever mentioned that Jack Smith was headwriting back then - and it made no sense to have him as interim HW for such a short time frame.

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Do you mean the letter about Bridget's paternity? If so, then no, I don't remember ever finding out who wrote it. I always suspected either Mike or Sheila had something to do with it though. Those two were the only ones who knew there was doubt about the accuracy of the test, and at the time they both had reasons for disrupting Brooke's life.

Edited by I Am A Swede
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