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Another random thought that hit me while watching the old episodes (I'm halfway through 1991 at the moment) is how one crucial type of interaction was present then but is largely missing from today's show.

I call it the "window to the soul" relationship. That is, a character who acts as a (sometimes therapeutic) sounding board for another character's thoughts and feelings, so that through this interaction we get to know what goes on inside that character - a window to their soul. This relationship's main (or sole) purpose is to deepen the characterization of one or both characters, because it allows us to hear the characters' inner voice spoken out loud. This "humanizes" the character (at least, to me it does). And a character who doesn't have this kind of relationship just seems less relatable.

It's usually either a close friendship or a close family relationship. NOT a romantic relationship because the romantic relationship is often the thing being talked *about* in this type of relationship. It's a relationship based on trust and honesty - there is virtually no lying in this kind of relationship, and if there is, it is immediately called out.

There are so many good examples from the early years of the show:

Ridge helped us get to know Stephanie because she showed her most private side to him (and only him).

Sally and Macy were built entirely on this trope (in their case, it went both ways).

Mike helped us understand the motivation behind Sheila's madness because she confided in him.

Even a peripheral character like Blake Hayes had his random encounters with Margo that served solely as a way for two rather lonely characters to get an opportunity to speak (tell the audience) about what was going on inside them.

Both within the Forrester and Logan families, there have been seeds of these kind of relationships between siblings, although the constellations of trust have not been as permanent.

Interestingly, Taylor is the one major character that comes to mind who (as of 1991) does NOT have this kind of sounding board. And as a result, she comes across as kind of enigmatic.

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I wouldn't say all of 1994-1996 were slow on B&B (in fact, some of my favorite storylines are from those years, and 1994 to mid 1995 the show was great IMO).

But IIRC there was a noticeable dip after the summer of 1995 after they happened to have ALL the major storylines resolve and end almost at the same time (Ridge made his choice between Brooke and Taylor, Thorne was let out of jail and Anthony was arrested for murdering Ivana, Sheila attempted suicide and got locked up). The show was kind of slow for a while after that.

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Does anyone know exactly when K. Allen appeared as Shelley? Someone on this topic said 1994. This isn't on imdb but some similar sources mention 1995. And some online articles say 1996. All I know is she was a waitress at Bikini. She interacted with Sly, who tried to use her to make Macy jealous. I hope someone has some dates or episode numbers, so I can try to find these episodes. Thanks!

I just added 11 Breacon episodes the Youtube official channel posted 1 month ago. They were discussed here but no one uploaded them. They are all between November 2001 and July 2002. They were already in the vault but these have a much better quality (480p, better sound and picture) and take less storage (50-80 Mo instead of 300) The numbers are #3665, #3666, #3712,.... until #3831. The former version of these 11 episodes (added in 2020) can be deleted.

I can also replace the episodes #112 and #429 with the Youtube version. The ones in the vault have some issues with the sound... I will add 429 as soon as Youtube releases it (should be done this week, they're at 424 right now).

Thank you again for the 2004-2005 episodes (for the episode numbers, don't hesitate to use the episode guide added in August 2021, it's 99,9% reliable from what I've seen), and for the videoland episodes... I can't believe we're about to start 1993.

I see no one is uploading the 2022 episodes, despite 2 requests. I did between October 2020 and January 2021, someone else took over between February and June 2021. I can upload the current episodes again, if necessary, starting this February (I have them in 576p, it takes around 300 Mo of storage).



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Thank you sooo much for these I kknow there won't be any duplicates of those uploaded by @anon4520so I am already downloading what it is. Thank you both , I am sorry I might have sounded ungrateful to @anon4520 , indeed every single episode is much appreciated

EDIT: Strangely, when I downloaded them (1418-1425) the audio is not syncronised with the image on my smartphone, that is so sad

Hopefully, it will be better on my notebook... 

Edited by Pedro
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