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Oh yes I love it when they start out with the creepier background music, letting you know the villain will be front and center that day.....then it's always funny where they have to go to lighter scenes for some tension relief and they always seem to use that slow peaceful Violin music to contrast the scenes(3/7/91 for example when Nina is confronting David before she shoots him and then it jumps back to Paul at the hospital with Lynne when Lauren was about to give birth to Scotty)......That's why it's always so amazing when they have Katherine and Jill scenes play out the same episode as Sheila and Lauren scenes cause they really liked to show the contrast with Kay and Jill being the comic relief (for the most part)....despite their even bitter feud....That high pitched music box music that is played on the start of the 2/4/92 episode above always gives off more of a Sheila vibe to me.....It's one of my favorite cues but the fact that it has more of a distorted sound is pretty creepy.........

Hope did get very irritable towards the end and her playing both Wyatt and Liam, was just as bad as Liam playing her and Steffy and now him playing Ivy and Steffy (though I guess Steffy/Liam are suppose to be endgame....rolls eyes.....) I still wish people would have open their eyes more in regards to Steffy.....I could get Bill rooting for her cause he was almost with her himself (part of the reason why I think he's so obsessive of her being with Liam) but minus a few scenes I don't think Hope really deserved to get slammed by Bill as much as she did....I was kind of annoyed recently when Brooke was talking to Bill and Katie about Hope being in Monte Carlo, that Bill sort of rolled his eyes....like she's been out of the picture for over a year now and he's still being a prick about her......even though despite playing Liam and Wyatt she almost gave him a grandchild......

as for Ivy, it's hard to root for her, but I feel like she was thrown under the bus for Steffy once she came back.

LOL thank goodness once Lauren came back for good in 2001 she grew it out again.......I said this before but some women on soaps can make short hair work like Katherine and some just need to stick to longer hair......yes I forgot about Ashley in 2002 LOL

I didn't know that saynotoyoursoap had that episode? I know he said he had a bit of early 90's which sadly he never got around to uploading....(damn youtube) but I just remember those 2 farmhouse episodes being his big Y&R uploads.....

It's funny cause I feel like you almost have had to watch all of Sheila's 2005 stint before watching that scene with Michael meeting her.......I can't explain why but that's how I felt when I first saw that scene. Yeah I wish both Sheila and Michael had flashbacked to meeting each other cause She did look up Michael, while he was digging for info on her.......I feel like it would have been even better if once he heard the last name Grainger that would have triggered something inside of him and he would be like "I met this woman".....

I honestly still don't get however why they didn't include Cricket in most of the 2005 stuff along with maybe some of the flashbacks she could have remembered like the dinner party....it was more like "Oh yeah I had a brother and a nephew but I haven't seen him in years....Lauren and I aren't close enough to talk about it....."  I really wish we would have gotten a reaction from Sheila on Michael stalking Cricket Scott's sister.....so much was overlooked when you think about it.............

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Oh, I rejoiced when I found out KM was leaving just so that love triangle would just die already. To be truthful, I think Ivy's been annoying me almost as much lately. Instead of her blaming Steffy for 'stealing' Liam away, I'd just love it if she called him out for being a spineless and gutless weasel, and not kissing his ass so much. I cannot believe that three women are in love with this guy, they might as well just arrange to have him in monthly intervals by this point.


I hate to bag on current Y&R again, because in a few years I pretty much have zero doubt what's airing now will be tolerable by comparison, but that is one of the more annoying aspects of JFP's reign: the music. It actually cheapens the show for me, I despise it. I don't think they could have compiled a more generic soundtrack if they tried. Hell, at least LML and MAB for the most part stayed consistent with using the old cues.


I think it was saynotoursoap. I found quite a few episodes that I'm sure we're on their channel once upon a time, such as the Grainger dinner and a 1990 episode where Sheila voices her opinion on Lauren to Scott, followed by her daydreaming about a life with him. Hell, this might have even been when you first started uploading now that I think about it. It was quite a while ago.


One thing I did appreciate during the scenes with Sheila digging up info on Michael was her horror that Lauren was able to forgive Michael for his horrible past. Like I've said in the past, not that I ever really root for Sheila despite loving her dastardly deeds, I would have been curious if that didn't absolutely infuriate her. 2005 definitely had its fair share of problems. But I do wonder what they had planned for Kimberlin when she was due to return at the end of 2006. They seemed so excited to have her back and intent on keeping her around for a while. It's a shame things turned out the way they did. 

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Yeah I did too.....and it was nice not having either Hope OR Steffy on for a while but of course that didn't last............KM seems to have landed a few roles lately (including one where she showed her "you know whats", LOL) but I'm sure they will just recast Hope at some point......now that she's been mentioned lately you know it's coming....I would just honestly give Hope and Steffy a fresh start and realize it was silly feuding over Liam of all people.....they totally overdid it with the triangle so I feel like them being friends would be a lot more pleasant IMO......Liam can go for all I care......I would laugh if Steffy finally realizing she should go back to Bill is what sends Liam packing....

I freaking hate Y&R's soundtrack......it's every bit of generic as all the other soaps....(even B&B's music isn't as good) but what were we suppose to expect....? The thought of JFP and Pratt getting pushed out someday and then having someone who wants the old feel of the show back along with the music, would truly be a dream come true.....I can almost picture that happening maybe 5 years from now if Y&R is lucky.....haha.

I think those were from me....LOL my old channel that was public for a couple years was passnum1 (I forgot if you knew that) so I did upload those 2 episodes originally......I wouldn't be surprise if saynotoursoap also had those dates as I contacted him once and he told me he basically hand a handful of Sheila episodes...but he said he had the episodes where Lauren's "baby" Dylan dies....and Rex's funeral.....and I definitely do not have those episodes yet...haha.

I agree, I wouldn't know honestly if Lauren knew how much havoc Michael caused all those years ago....I feel like if the character is reformed they always suger coat it by saying things like "I made a lot of mistakes" or "I did some unforgiving stuff" not really giving the impressing of what they did exactly....It's hard to be certain but I do wonder if Kimberlin was suppose to be back longer if it weren't for her being in her accident......I shudder to think they would have still killed her anyways even though they did Pheila.....but apparently LML wanted to "finish the story" and that indicates Sheila's demise....

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haha Oh yes, I do remember the shocking headlines that KM had landed a pretty raunchy role in some movie. I was relieved at the time, I figured that was a sure sign she'd be gone for quite a while. But, to top off my admission of missing the character in a way, I dread the thought of a recast. I've disliked every rendition of Bridget ever since Jennifer Finnigan left, I hope history doesn't repeat itself there.


Exactly. I really hope the whole Hope/Steffy thing isn't us having to put up with them fighting over a man for the next 15 years. I could never imagine any woman or man putting up with as much screwing around as these three, now Ivy added into the mix. Granted, I do like the Steffy/Ivy dynamic because they do seem alike in so many ways. And as for Bill, I would actually rather see a Bill/Steffy pairing again over Brooke/Bill/Katie. I find it amusing that with those two, their relationship seems to work for me, but Ridge/Caroline just does not. I cannot accept that the man that married her aunt nearly thirty years ago is now married to her niece, I just cannot do it.


haha It is sad that only a few years ago we were dreaming of the day that MAB was kicked to the curve, and now this is happening. Granted, I'm pretty much long past the days of dreaming for them to at least try and emulate the Y&R feel. I can't even narrow down to when exactly they last did that.


haha I'm pretty sure it was your channel. I almost completely forgot about it. I actually do still have the two farmhouse episodes from saynotoursoap on my old computer packed away somewhere in my house. In fact, there may be a lot more Y&R stuff on there that I may have backed up on it if they haven't been erased. B&B also. Oh, speaking of this, I finally got around to ordering the Paul and Christine hit and run storyline.


Yeah, I also remember hearing about LML just wanting to be rid of Sheila altogether. I'm not sure how far in advance scripts for Y&R are written, but since Kimberlin confirmed she was asked to come back, I have to wonder if, and if so, how much of that storyline was rewritten to suit the plastic surgery add-on. I can't lie, there are things in that storyline that I do like and can imagine was written for Kimberlin, but then there's A LOT that seems so rushed and so thrown in there at the last minute. Especially Pheila's final week, that entire climax of the storyline was so freaking OTT that it was unbelievably embarrassing. 

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Yeah, I'm glad she has found some success....though I feel like that doesn't have to be about her walking around topless....LOL, KM does deserve to be apart or even star in her own primetime show......I agree I can only tolerate them recasting for so long...whether it's Y&R or B&B I just wish they would stick to one that works and not do anything, but when you think about it, it's usually their fault for not coming up with better material....I hate to say I almost feel guilty for liking some of the current recasts just because their part has gotten recast time and time again....

I wish Brad Bell sometimes wouldn't rely too much on the international success or whatever he thinks it is that has made the show successful with all the triangles over the years.....yes Brooke/Ridge/Taylor is a successful triangle but everything with the younger generation just hasn't worked out as well...at least as far as we the fans are concerned,so it's just better if they had dropped all that nonsense.....yeah Ivy/Steffy was interesting only cause I thought it would be refreshing to see 2 family members fight over Liam, but then it just turned into a mess with all the accidents.....yeah I have know idea why they can't do Bill/Steffy again, as I think it would explain a lot and like I said if Liam would leave in a huff because of that (hell, maybe he should just decide offscreen he's going to Europe to reunite with Hope LOL) it would be great to see! LOL I would love for Ridge just to explode on Bill though for being such a big hypocrict in regards to Bill getting with his daughter...


haha yeah and before that I'm sure everyone was waiting for LML to get shown the door and she lasted the shortest....it kind of gulls me now that they dare think Pratt is better then her...since you figured one of the reasons LML was fired was because they were so horrified at everything she did, but yet somehow they accept the antics of JFP and Pratt....and I get so sick of the "oh the ratings keep going up".....you are telling me it wasn't the same thing with LML cause she did lots of shocking things.....I just don't get it...

I'm gonna have to make a list of everything I have uploaded....I did that a while ago but I updated a bit of videos lately so it will be nice for everyone to have an organize list.....I'm so excited for those episodes! :) I still haven't gotten the ones I ordered.....I don't even know if the check was delivered yet and with all the snow we got backing everything up I have a feeling it will be a while...:(

I'm sure some of the beginning Pheila stuff was written with Kimberlin in mind, but once they realized it wasn't working out as plan or had decided to kill her if that's what they weren't going to do originally , they just had Stafford ham it up as Pheila....

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haha Agreed. As long as she hasn't had to resort to doing that with every subsequent role. As for recasts, I almost hate to say it, and in fact it downright KILLS me, but I've finally accepted TK as Ridge. I'm at that point now, it was the same with Burgess Jenkins on Y&R.


Oh, the whole Ivy/Steffy thing died for me the second Aly was killed. I hated the entire rest of the storyline, I mean my god, and I thought everyone on Y&R was acting out of character! Ugh, I better not get into that storyline because we'll just be here all day :D I have to say though, that short period where Liam was with Steffy, and Ivy was with Wyatt, and nobody was competing for anybody or there were no admissions of undying love, I liked that, I was glad to see the back of all that love triangle drama. And then the accidents started happening, and suddenly Ivy's not over Liam...I've got nothing. I have to say, I'm dying to see Quinn involved in this storyline now. I haven't watched the past two weeks or so, but I'm hoping she's the saving grace of all this.


Didn't LML get fired over supporting the writer's strike or something? I can't remember if that's the case, but I remember reading an article where one of the actresses, who was unidentified but I'm positive it was Michelle Stafford, didn't hold back on how glad she was that LML was gone. I wonder how the cast took to MAB? I heard something about a beef with her and Sharon Case, but I never really looked much into it to tell whether it had any grounds or was just a rumour. As for Pratt and JFP's reign, they've actually made me appreciate LML AND MAB's reign! By no means do I consider them good, but at least with LML's Y&R to an extent looked and sounded like Y&R, and MAB at least made an effort to try and get back some of the old cast members and characters that hadn't been on the canvas in a long time, such as Adam, Patty and Diane. They all may not have worked, but I'll give her credit for trying.


I know what you mean. I did mine through PayPal, but I don't think the episodes have been posted yet. Oh well :D


haha I did that myself tonight. I'm currently moving houses, and I wanted to make sure I had copies and a list of everything Y&R, B&B and GH-related. Oh, speaking of GH, I've started trying to watch on a regular basis again. I've even tried getting into DOOL.


I'd believe either version of events to tell you the truth. When the storyline started, I could almost imagine Kimberlin acting out some of the dialogue, such as when Pheila was telling Paul about being with 'Scott, and Scotty', and Lauren ruining it for her. But then I hear and see other sh*t that she spouts, such as her joke about Paul taking her out for a walk, and yelling and screaming at Phyllis while spitting out the apple...i couldn't even imagine that being written for MS it's that hammy!!

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I've been busy updating some stuff on IMDb for 1987-1989 episodes (although cast credits were scarce and therefore I didn't find out about a lot of characters who played them...), but I did find these at least.


@soapsuds: Thanks run; I ran a similar search. The user I was thinking of called itself 0814atm or sth. like that. He/she had lots of 1980/1990s episodes of all the CBS soaps (mostly with commercials and news specials), but apparently he/she was banned/deleted a second time from YouTube... That's why I wondered if someone saved the episodes uploaded a couple of years ago by this user

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Ah…I know who you are referring to. He/She had some great ATWT classic as well. I was watching some ATWT classic episodes recently and ran into some of his videos of ATWT…not sure if it was channel or someone else posting it again while giving him/her credit.

@sheilaforever  Its not btm0815ma


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