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E! Soap Opera Reality Show

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To sum it up (unfortunately, I can't relay it as decadent and salacious and downright pure gossip trash as the original teller of the story -- and believe me, that's not an insult! :lol: ),allegedly, Ms. Finger Fath, while working on DAYS, was at a fan event and caught a connecting flight back to LA. Seated a few seats behind her on the plane were attendees also flying back from this same event. Having no clue fans were on the same plane, Double F, allegedly, started going through a scrapbook made and presented to her by fans at this event... and proceeded to mock it and rip pages out of it that featured photos she felt were unflattering. However, when she, allegedly, came across a diamond bracelet some fans gave to her, she snatched that thing up with the quickness. This is all "alleged" because Ms. F the Haterz Fath claims she never got a diamond bracelet, and that the scrapbook in question is something she cherishes and is sitting at home on her mother's coffee table intact.

Cut to, five-six years later, she's on Dirty Soap acting like a royal bitch and mocking a fan's tights.

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Hang on... I got something...

alphanguy74 posted this story (it wasn't his own, he got it from another board) after she gave us all the middle finger a year and half ago:

And, ironically, alexisfan, you posted this response from her :lol: :

So, I'm being fair and balanced. I presented the rumor, and I presented her rebuttal.

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If it's such a prized possession, why the hell is it on her Mother's coffee table and not with her? What a crock of [!@#$%^&*]. I really didn't think I could dislike her more but I do. dry.png

I knew that wasn't Sami that "Rafe" was making out with but I didn't know who it was. How weird to get the kids involved in that. Makes you wonder if anything really is "reality".

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Nadia and Brandonwub.png

I watched the whole thing and the only people I liked were Nadia and Brandon.

The Gerings are so fake, both of them!

The Kelly stuff with the scrap book was extremely fake. What' kind of a fan sends a scrap book with printed out photeos of her and her ex BF?

Farrah is annoying who obviously likes to surround herself with annoying people (gay BFF's and boyfriend included)

Good thing I loved Nadia and Brandon so much because they're the reason to keep watching.

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I enjoyed it! I love Brendon/Nadia's relationship, it's sweet, flirty, and funny - a vast different from JPL/FF's relationship. I can't believe Nadia said, "I'm going to be guzzling some Beemer." ohmy.png LMAO

Jenna (what happened to her? she used to be prettier) and Galen's fight over is kissing scene was so fake. But I did love Galen saying about the shower scene, "We're not even that close. It will screw up the lighting....it's an illusion." :lol: And then him giving the key to Nadia, "It's actually the key to my shed." :lol: I think Galen is a pretty funny guy. I also think the Gerings were chosen by Mark and Kelly is because they wanted a married, but not too old couple, which separates them from the other cast members.

Not surprised that FF has a bitchy attitude. That girl just has a ton of negative energy. LOL at JPL pointing out the flaws of the house.

Kelly's workout outfit. ohmy.png So skimpy. :D Anyone know why did Kelly and her BF breakup?

I'm not sure if I like the talking heads - is this how E!'s reality shows are produced? I think I prefer the style MTV's Laguna Beach/The Hills where it's more like a script tv show and the music was a lot better.

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