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GH: Actress Returning !!!!

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This is very important for the show, using the vets in general. It enhances the stories. You can't have Carly as your central heroine and not feature her mother. Luke and Bobbie were a team for DECADES, yet she's not even mentioned? Same with Monica and the Quartermaines in relation to Jason. Even if Garin Wolf isn't the best writer, at least he seems to recognize this. I don't expect these people in their own stories, but they have a place on the show, which Guza didn't get. Soaps are ensembles.

Must say I AM disappointed they seem to be bringing back Kate as a recast. That character worked mainly due to Megan Ward. She is impossible to replace. Not to say she's the greatest actress on earth, but she was the only thing that made that character work.

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I agree.

And Cheap, saying that GH has for four years isn't supporting the argument that you can have Carly/Luke without Bobbie. If anything, it's explaining why the ratings have fallen to SH!T and the shows getting cancelled by Sept. 2012.

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Im not saying it makes sense, and Im not trying to support any argument. Im just stating the reality of the situation. FYI, I dont think Bobbie is needed for Carly and Luke's storylines, but if she isnt going to be used then at least have the decency to explain her absense. Thats where GH has been at fault. They act as if she's still in town, yet she's never seen. I think fans would be alot more forgiven if Bobbie was half way across the world, instead of simply being ignored

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I agree somewhat. I would much rather them have said she joined Doctors without borders with Noah, or moved to Seattle with Lucas. Some explanation

But you really don't think she's needed in Luke or Carly's story!? I mean, especially Carly's daughter going through an organ transplant? REALLY?

And Luke and Bobbie were close for over 30 years. Best friends, close. So for him to not even mention her? Ridiculous. And it would have had a lot more impact for Bobbie to tell Luke that he was an alcoholic than for Lucky to. Because Bobbie was THERE with Tim Spencer.

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How is that any different from every other soap over the years that have no relatives in town for majro events? Lets say Jackie Z was on contract at Y&R. Would you have expected them to recast Bobbie just for the organ story? Like most soaps, an explanation for why she wasnt around would have sufficed. Heck they could even write around her by saying she was watching Jossleyn the times Carly wasnt at the hospital. They do that with Audrey in Liz's life. With Bobbie though, she is ignored and never talked about

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Exactly!! It was just one more nail in the coffin of the show, imo. I'm not even a huge bobby fan, but it didn't make a lick of sense. At the very least they should have said she was off living in another city near Lucas.

It doesn't have to be any different from other soaps to suck. It sucks whenever soaps try to pull this.

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The difference is Cheap, on most other shows they DO explain it. On GH they do not. Also, Jackie Zeman is NOT on another soap. She has said time and time again that she is ALWAYS willing to work. Which makes her absence even more glaring. She truly was needed in this storyline. If the circumstances were that she wasn't available, an explanation would do. But the fact that Jackie Zeman IS available is just a further testament as to why this show is dying.

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I never really cared about Monica, but it'll be nice to see her again if the plastic surgery isn't too distracting...I wanted to like her until AJ was made out to be the devil and her non-biological son who hated his family was still the golden boy.

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