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Scandal: Discussion Thread

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The episode was just okay. I'm more interested in the mole story and Scott Foley's storyline. I'm not a big fan of the cases-of-the-week, so I'm disappointed to see it back. ABC should've just kept the series to 13 episodes a year and have one singular story like it was for the show's first 13 episodes this season.

I like Huck and Quinn too and the teacher/student aspect of the duo.

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The hiatus nearly made me forget what I didn't like, and I ended up watching this from an almost fresher perspective.

I don't mind the case of the week sometimes. Olivia might be able to commiserate with a cheating woman but I'd much rather see her try to understand how the cheated spouse feels.

For some odd reason it dawned on me that Harrison hasn't been given a love life either through a back story or the present.

While I thought Jake was creepy before, now he's scary as well. He could have gotten that memory card in a not so violent way. And this is all on Fitz.

Mellie and Cyrus are blame game mirrors of one another. They're both wearing thin on me now.

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I did not care at all about Hollis' daughter. I guess this how it's going to be for the rest of the season - case-of-the-week stories that don't matter with little bits here and there about the mole storyline. Bummer.

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I think they were relying too heavily on Hollis' "Southernism" to be entertaining because apparently being southern is a real hoot. That story was a bit too muddy for Hollis to appear as sympathetic and the whole concept of even the devil loves his children didn't manifest itself until after the loon cut her ear off, which was a bit late. I could feel sorry for the mother but overall it was a complete waste.

As for the mole s/l--it now makes sense why that woman followed David down the school hallway with her claim about who killed Wendy.

Less episodes would have forced them to tighten up their storytelling and leave a lot of this filler and multi-layering alone.

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Yesterday's episode was good in a number of ways. I like Quinn's progress--not thrilled about more trauma for Huck though. I liked Cyrus and Fitz being on better terms. Killing Verna is apparently no big deal. The only thing that would have made that better was if Cyrus had said that he would have done the same. I appreciated the touch of reality in James saying he wish that Cyrus hadn't told him about Defiance. David learning the ways of the "gladiators" and one-upping them was nice. His explanation to Abby about not trusting her was good.

I guess we're supposed to think that either Cyrus' hitman or Jake put Huck in that box. It would seem like more of a Jake or whoever Joe Morton's character is, kind of thing to do. Something mole-oriented.

Jake seemingly has a big thing for Olivia and maybe he was surprised about Fitz. And I guess it's really about who Jake is. The mole or somewhere in between.

So I was wondering how Olivia could drop a glass then walk backwards and Jake also seemed to walk on it and none of those shards cut either.

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See how much better the show is when there's no case-of-the-week storylines. smile.png

Same here. Putting her with Huck has been the best thing for the character.I'm glad they're rebuilding the trust in their relationship.I like this development too. Maybe he'll join the group next season.

Yeah, I think the person who did it works for Albatross.I think that look at the end was about Fitz/Olivia. I guess he doesn't know about them? I can't get a read of Jake, if he's good or bad.

That and why didn't Jake shut off the surveillance cameras. I thought it was pretty convenient that a person was breaking into Liv's apartment just as she found out about the cameras.

There's only 4 eps left and I ABC wants to air 4 in a row. That's a better idea than being off this week, then on next week, then off the week after, then 3 in a row for May sweeps.
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It's hard to tell whether he set that up or not or whether it was just sheer coincidence. It seems presumptuous of him to expect Olivia to go along with the story he made up to keep Fitz from knowing about his personal interest in Olivia.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrator

Wow, what a great episode - it was Huck centric and no case-of-the-week.  Loved seeing Huck's backstory and now it sets up a future storyline where he reunites with his wife and son (and now we know why Huck watches happy families).   So Huck and Charlie worked for Albatross - thought that was a nice connection.  I guess Charlie got out of Albatross since he's working for the VP or is he working for both.  



Huck/Olivia - I just love this friendship:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0IiLVRDIMmU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Such a fantastic Fitz/Olivia scene (I just love their theme music so much):

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/RygIrCa3zUM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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I liked the episode. For some reason, I'm stuck on their timeline though. I guess I had gotten the impression that Huck worked longer in that field than that episode implies. This made me think that it was well under two years which means that he spent a very long time on the streets. Maybe there will be another episode in which they fill in the gap between the last time he saw his family and when he met Olivia. Something had to have happened over those years to make him forget. I assume that he went back to work for Albatross....otherwise he just maintained that killing instinct for over 12 years. I am amazed that all those sharp people didn't associate his mutterings with the time.

It might be interesting to see how they would handle having either Fitz or Mellie follow through on a divorce.

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One of the best episodes of the show. I enjoyed getting to know more about Huck (a wife! a kid!) and the twist of Charlie being the one who let him live.

I'm glad Olivia and Fitz finally talked. I don't think anything will change but it was nice to see them discuss their issues.

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