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AMC Tribute Thread


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It was very nice to see Michael and Brad - it was very reassuring, and although at the time this was seen as sexless and stale, now I can respect how tough it must have been for AMC to even get this on the air at all. There were one or two very short side stories which also reflected the everyday difficulties of being gay, like Brad talking about how he'd recently lost some patients once they found out about his homosexuality.

Brad will also always be remembered by me for his role in that Brooke English "choose your own adventure" online game, where she got drunk and became convinced she could turn him (he dropped her off at home and got the hell out of there).

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20 years ago plus I was in a bar in L.A. and there she was only I didn't know where I knew her. I said hello and insisted we knew each other from someplace. She asked me if I watched AMC and then it dawned on me and I didn't want to say this is where I knew her from and sound like a stalker. I was insisting we met at a party or someplace. She was ok, friendly enough that she was talking to me for a while, a total stranger in a bar demanding to know how I knew her.

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Speaking of Antoinette, I just read that she's first cousins with Robin Christopher. Thats pretty cool...lol

Screw JFP. I wish someone at AMC would have brought her back. If RC didnt want to go back there, then I wish they had reached out to CG when Skye wasnt being used on GH Edited by Cheap21
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What what what?!? LOL!! There was an online interactive AMC game? How did I miss this, it sounds hysterical.

And yeah, in hindsight it actually was impressive that AMC (under Broderick at the time anyway) tried to keep some gay presence. I remember reading in SOD they DID get some angry letters though Agnes was quoted that the positive letters outnumbered them and made it worthwhile. Even when Brad and Michael kinda disappeared (I don't think they had na exit unless he left when Laurel died), they then stepped up the Kevin stuff.

I wonder why she was replaced--and with her cousin??

Anyway I agree, Skye really should be back on the AMC canvas.

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Around 1996, probably at the nadir (or one of them anyway) in Brooke storylines, there was a text game which was done by someone who loved to hate Brooke. She couldn't remember her son's name, she left him home alone eating cookies and candy, she only cared about Laura Kirk because of her dead daughter, and offhandedly made disparaging comments about her appearance. The homeless shelter had BROOKE ENGLISH HOMELESS SHELTER written on the front in neon lights. She only showed up long enough to get praise, then left the rest to Grace. She went out drinking with Marian, although she saw Marian as beneath her. It was a lot of trashy fun.

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A rare look at the short-lived Pierce, Greg Wrangler. I guess they auditioned based mostly on jeans.

This is early CG Skye, as Skye was still in that white gown she wore for weeks on end.

I'd totally forgotten about Liza's role in whatever put Skye in a coma. I'd also forgotten about the Brian return. They may not have invited him to the wrap party, but they gave him a nice suit!!!!


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