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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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Bradford Anderson:

So sad our daytime family is getting smaller. It sucks. Just plain sucks.


1st toast; Soap fans are the f'in best fans on this planet! Clink

2nd toast; Cheers to AMC and OLTL for entertaining us 4 43 yrs, 5 days a week of ass kicking soap. We appreciate you and salute you

Adrienne Barbeau

An American art form is disappearing. What a sad day for casts, crews, staff & most of all the fans of #AMC & #OLTL. No art replaces them.

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It isn't enough just to buy them from ABCD. You have to have someone interested in airing them, too, and with those ratings...?

I'll go ahead and say it: anyone who starts OR participates in a "Yeah, well, OLTL lasted longer, so there!" discussion of any kind needs to follow David Vickers' advice and have a seat. They're both "dead." What the hell diff does it make which one lasted longer? Will it bring either soap back?

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Amazing how people came out the woodwork when it was gone. Amazing in this era how I have to hear some ass-hole like Frons speak about knowing he's the most hated man in this genre and no doubt w/ a smile. Univision averaged 9.0 ratings w/ spanish soaps. WWE on a weekly basis raised it's demo and ratings taking s/ls from soaps and putting it into it's industry, yet Frons saids it's a dying genre b/c fans don't care what is shown anymore. LISTEN YOU DUMBASS, IT'S B/C YOU KILLED IT! Your own doing.

Who the f here wanted Rylee? not us.

Who the f called for a character like Marissa, or Caleb or Krystal..not us!

Who the f called for continuous endless Ryan Lavery is god of Pine Valley storylines, NOT US!

Did anyone like it when Nash was killed on OLTL?

Did anyone like the endless pointless Star/Cole?

I could go deeper but for freaking what.

You know, and there was 1/2 the problem right there, giving the genre fans sh!t they didn't want to see, latin soaps do good, b/c they give the fans what they want, intrigue, mystery, romance, sexual heat, pairings people can get behind..something Brian Frons and Julie Craputhers and whoever was writing for OLTL didn't get.

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Execs: "Well, if we just give 'em what they want, they'll stop watching."

Me: "As opposed to now, when they're watching like never before." [/sarcasm]

Actually, I take this back. It isn't that they're not giving viewers what they want; it's that what they ARE giving them isn't very attractive or entertaining. I think there's a difference.

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