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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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What is this mysterious concept of which you speak? Oh, it is "TV on Demand" which is essentially how everybody already watches their shows and WILL continue to watch their shows in the future. If US Network TV want to be part of that, then they should look at a few pioneering efforts around the world where other networks put all their material online so if you missed it or forgot to tivo it... don't worry, you can watch it in two months' time on the network's website. And advertisers pay attention to this.

If US networks think they can "school" or "train" the audience to watch what the network honchos want them to watch, WHEN they want them to watch it then... buh-bye ABC, NBC and CBS. And Fox (though for all his failings, Rupert Murdoch is actually smart and surrounds himself with people who are in tune with their respective audiences).

Honestly. Can you imagine if that attitude had pervaded in the 1970s and silenced the Irmas, the Bill Bells, Douglas Marlands and Agnes Nixons of the genre? Erica's abortion would never have happened. And neither would Carla Gray on OLTL. And neither would the AIDS quilt and soaps dealing with returning Vietnam veterans and Markey's gang-rape and so many other, groundbreaking moments.

We cannot keep censuring ourselves and must start accepting that one is never going to please all of the people all of the time! We do not live in a world of rainbows and white picket fences and sunshiney days and all men love women, and all women love pink and long hair and baking. It never was 100% thus and it isn't 100% the status quo now, no matter how many episodes of The Hills and Real Housewives -- much as I enjoy those shows -- try to convince us otherwise.

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Yup. As much as I hate the fact that the show has been canceled mainly because S&K drove it into the ground, we couldn't ask for anything more than for Agnes herself to be involved with the ending. I shudder to think what S&K would've done to this show over the next few months.

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As long as I turn off my TV after the end credits roll, and can smile (though my tears) that Erica Kane went out, Erica Kane...I can live with whatever AN decides on for her. I don't think she should be with Jack, that's clear. But if Erica's soul searching, if Erica coming to terms with her life and her past, lead to Jack...then I'm good. But I don't want my last image of Erica to be about her and whatever man is there at the end. I want it be about Erica Kane.

I'ma trust AN and hope for the best! I feel a lot better knowing she's taking Erica to the end. And for the whole show, really. :)

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I highly doubt Agnes will be involved with the ending in any meaningful way. They may run some ideas by her, if that, but she's been detached from the show for so long, there's really no need for her input. I think that for good of for bad, FV and RC will be calling all the shots.

I remember years ago when Agnes was a guest on the old Richard Bey talk show here in NYC. Must've been around 1985. She was introduced as the creator of AMC and OLTL, and one of the audience members asked her what was next for OLTL's Tina. Agnes looked like a deer in the headlights. She stumbled a bit as she tried to answer, giving some stock response that "you'll have to wait and see." It was clear that she no longer had any involvement with the show and knew precious little about storylines. And this was 25 years ago! She may make a token appearance at the end, but I think we can forget about her having a say in how the show comes to an end.

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I know, and I don't expect her to be involved, but since even to this day Viki/Niki are a part of stories, I wish she'd have some input. I also would like some of the social justice she built OLTL on to be a part of the show again, which is why I was hoping, delusionally, she might somehow help to get Ellen Holly back.

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US Networks: But...but...what about our shiny, black (Nielsen) boxes?

Khan: Oh, hang yer damn boxes! A Commodore 64 is more relevant these days!

There will come a day when TV networks as we know them will cease, and TV will essentially be "owned" by the viewers who watch it. And I can't wait. [/Jo Gardner] ;-)

Frankly, I'm amazed these people weren't silenced. As skittish as daytime execs are these days, just imagine what their predecessors must've been like thirty years ago! ("What? You're lettin' who operate on white folks?!") And honestly, I don't know how they allowed these writers to do their thing unless they just loved and "got" soaps more than peeps like Frons and Bloom, who just look at daytime as a stepping stone toward world domination running the network itself.

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I hear ya. Oh Ellen Holly would be fab. If you're looking for old timers, I think a less delusional (LOL) possibility would be Judith Light. I could realistically see her putting in an appearance or two before the end. She drove one of the most iconic moments, if not the most iconic moment, in all of soap history, so it would be fitting to see Karen Wolek one more time. From what I've read, the show remains close to her heart, and she has stayed good friends with Strasser and Slezak.

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I'm afraid someone at the show, or at ABC, may rule out any of these types of returns, because they are faces from the distant past, but I would love to see Karen again. I just don't want a finale where the idea of a return is Adriana, and John and Todd fall asleep in the final scene.

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I don't think the ratings were appreciably higher before they went front burner and then after they were abruptly written off. It was sad that Frons et al scapegoated them for falling ratings, when that probably wasn't the case. As a gay man I was very proud of that story and the actors involved, and proud that daytime would go there. Kish embodied what I feel daytime should be: social relevance combined with romance....essentially the Agnes Nixon template. Yes, some of the story beats were on the cliche side and some of the coming-out dialogue atrocious, although I find the OLTL dialogue in general pretty atrocious, but in general it was a well told story that reflected what was unfolding in society and maybe even educated a couple of ignorant viewers along the way. So they dump that and go with a WTF mustache-twirling Clint and that neverending Tess inanity.

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C'mon Carl. You mean you don't want the final scene to be Viki toasting "Here's to 43 wonderful years" as the camera pans to a purring Tess pawing all three shirtless Ford brothers, pecs boucing of course, as she winks salaciously at the camera...then fade to black? Isn't that what the OLTL viewers want to see? LOL

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