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Dorothy Lyman or Jill Larson

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I'd love to see this too - like on Doctor Who when previous actors come back and interact with the new Doctor. I'd love to see the two Opals meet. Have Dorothy's Opal congratulate Jill's Opal on "bagging Palmer" and then ragging on Erica. She could say, "So ya shipped your brat off...only thing they're good for is free labor."

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I never heard that. Hasn't Lyman basically retired from acting to direct, mainly sitcoms? We'd prob get one or two performances with her (did Lyman ever really even interact with Lucci?) and that would be it and the character would be forgotten (a more exagerated version of what we've gotten with old Janet back).

Schemering claims that Lyman's character on AMC was very close to a chgaracter she briefly played on AW (Or was it Edge of Night?) Anyone know more?

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Thanks for posting that Carl, that's the interview I was talking about earlier if anyone's confused. It's reprinted online somewhere, didn't realize it was from SOD. Ever since I read it I was confused by Dorothy saying she was doing a "Beverly Hills" accent :huh: but I now see that that was a misprint, Hillbillies.

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I thought this might have been the one but I'm glad you didn't mind reading it again. I never had. I guess this wasn't too long before she left AMC. I love her attitude in the interview. You probably can't get away with that on a soap today.

I have a few other interviews with her somewhere.

I wish I could see that Coupla White Chicks show. These days they'd probably revive it with the Wayans brothers.

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LMAO! :lol:

I have a SOD Robin Strasser pictorial somewhere and there's a pic of her and Brynn Thayer doing Coupla White Chicks directed by Dorothy, Robin's in these huge shades and a leopard pantsuit. I'll try to post it next week.

Yeah, that's a really fun interview and it sounds like she had a ball with Opal. I mean, how could you not? I wonder what her Emmy reels looked like. I don't think any of her wins are even online.

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How did people react when JL took over? Was there resilience against her? For those that watched DL, how long did it take you to accept her recast

Looking at those clips of Dorothy in the role, 1 phrase comes to mind. Trailer trash. She is like the epitome of it

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In the Digest issues from Jill's first year there was a fair amount of editorial hostility to her marriage to Palmer and her friendship with Erica, with SOD saying flat out that they would never be friends and that it was ridiculous.

I think over time Jill won fans over, especially since her Opal was very different, but I know a lot of fans still never believed her with Palmer or Erica.

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Well, at least AMC built a friendship between Erica and Opal, instead of pretending they had always been friends. I hate it when any soap does something like that.

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